pdiabbr. 駕駛航向指示器(pilot direction indicator);圖像偏差指示器(Pictorial Deviation Indicator)
PDI 運動發育指數;二硫鍵異構酶;Pacific Data Images;人可支配收入;PDI PictureDescriptionInstruction 畫面描述指令;PDI PatternDescriptionInstruction 圖形描述指令;PDI Product Data Interchange 產品資料交換計畫;PDI Parallel Data Interface 並行數據接口;
1.Since its inception in 1985, PDI Communications, Inc. has been a leader in the business of reception, control and transportation of television RF signals over cable. PDI通訊實業有限公司自1985年成立以來就一直是電視視頻信號接受,控制,傳輸領域的領頭羊。
2.PDI's proprietary product lines include the latest in Headend Electronics, SuperSpec PDI的專利產品包括最新的數據轉發器,分音器,專業移動A/V,以太網電纜以及相關的無源產品。
3.Conclusions: No significant sex difference is found of MDI and PDI in infants and toddlers, but sex difference in behaviour begins to show when children are one year old. 結論:嬰幼兒期男女智力、精神運動能力的差異無顯著性,但行為方面的性別差異在一歲時即顯現出來。