n. roadstead
roadsn. 道路(road的複數);開敞或半開敞錨地
roads 開敞或半開敞錨地;航路錨地開敞或半開敞錨地;路程;Resource Organisation and Discovery in Subject-based Services;ROADS LIGHT 供應道路燈具;道路燈具;Farm Roads 農場修路;cross roads 十字形交叉;十字形交;Two Roads 兩條路上;兩條路;
1.After the earthquake the area was in chaos. No electricity, roads blocked, injured people everywhere. 地震過後,那個地區一片混亂。沒有電,交通阻塞,到處是受傷的人。
2.In general, candidates promised voters more of the benefits the king gave, including roads and electricity. 一般而言,候選人對選民的許諾多於國王給予的好處,包括道路和電。
3.Students in these roads is contradictory while the University to maintain the lofty ideals while they have to acknowledge its status. 大學生在這些路上是矛盾的,一邊要保持大學的崇高理想,一邊又不得不承認它的地位。
The roads are packed with holiday makers. - 路上擠滿了度假的人。
All roads lead to Rome. - 條條道路通羅馬。
They will also be building new roads and a special railway line. - 他們還將修築一些新的道路和一條鐵路專線。
Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year. - 工人們將在今年年底前把新路鋪好;
but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on roads with few service stations and too much traffic. - 但旅行的大部分時間都花在路上,而且只有很少的服務設施,交通也很擁擠。