n. irascibility ,lien ,quick temper ,short temper
spleen[spli:n]n. 脾臟;壞脾氣;怒氣
spleen 脾臟;脾臟,壞脾氣;脾〔髒;脾臟;accessory spleen 副脾;副睥;釋義:副脾;副脾臟;bacon spleen 火腿脾;釋義:火腿脾,澱粉樣脾;spleen pulp 脾髓;speckled spleen 斑點狀脾;釋義:斑點狀脾;
1.After a frustration day at work he often vents his spleen on his poor wife. 幹了一天令人沮喪的工作下來,他常常拿他可憐的妻子出氣。
2.In her early ascent, she found herself face to face with an autoimmune disease associated with Lupus that afflicted her spleen. 在她早期提升中,她發現自己面臨著自動免疫系統的疾病,那是折磨著她脾臟的狼瘡。
3.Lymphoid tissue Cells, tissues, and organs composing the immune system, including the Bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes. 淋巴組織:組成免疫系統的細胞、組織和器官,包括骨髓、胸腺、脾臟及淋巴結。
function of the spleen and stomach; middle-jiao yang - 中陽
invigorating the spleen for eliminating dampness - 健脾化濕
strengthening the spleen and reducing phlegm - 健脾化痰
strengthening the spleen and stomach - 健脾和胃
reinforcing spleen to promote digestion - 健脾消食
strengthen the spleen and clear the liver - 健脾疏肝
reinforce the spleen to replenish qi; strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi - 健脾益氣
strengthening the spleen and stomach - 健脾胃
stengthening the spleen and tonifying the lung - 健脾補肺
elevation the spleen yang; invigorating vital function; invigorting vital function - 升陽
The spleen pulse is connected with the earth - 土也
reinforcing the spleen earth - 培土
reinforcing the spleen to check the liver - 培土抑木
warm the spleen and the stomach; warming the spleen and stomach - 暖脾胃
warming up the spleen and kidney - 溫暖脾腎
warming and invigorating the spleen and stomach; warming and invigouating the spleen and stomach - 溫補脾胃
the spleen with damp pathogen - 濕邪困脾
hepar; liver; spleen nonpalpable; spleennonpalpable; the iver - 肝
cardia; kidney; spleen nonpalpable; spleennonpalpable; the kidney - 腎
the spleen is - 脾為
the spleen being in charge of the muscles - 脾主肉
salivation due to the spleen cold - 脾冷多涎
impairment of the spleen due to overstrain - 脾勞
association of the spleen and the stomach; the spleen is closely related to the stomach - 脾合胃
cough related to the spleen channel - 脾咳
dysfunction of the spleen in transport - 脾失健運
according to the theory of the five elements; the spleen corresponds to earth; the spleen matches the earth - 脾屬土
the spleen being adverse to dampness - 脾惡濕
spleen scanning - 脾掃瞄
spleen imaging - 脾顯像
liver; spleen nonpalpable; spleennonpalpable - 脾未觸及
the spleen energy fails to send up nutrients; the spleen-qi fails to send up nutrients - 脾氣不升
edema with the spleen involved the splenic edema - 脾水
diabetes characterized by polyphagia; diabetes involving middle-jiao; diabetes involving the spleen; diabetes with the spleen involved - 脾消
salivation due to spleen heat - 脾熱多涎
spleen irradiation - 脾照射
the spleen strengthens the muscles - 脾生肉
spleen malnutrition in infant - 脾疳
lienopathia; lienopathy; spleen disease; splenopathy - 脾病
spleen phosphodiesterase - 脾磷酸二酯酶
the spleen channel - 脾經
spleen colony; spleencolony - 脾結節
the spleen governs the blood - 脾統血
hypofunction of both the spleen and the lung; hypofunction og both spleen and the lung - 脾肺兩虛
insufficiency of both the spleen and the kidney - 脾腎陽虛
spleen index - 脾腫指數
spleen rate - 脾腫率
inconrdination between the spleen and the stomach; incoordination between the spleen and the stomach - 脾胃不和
damp-heat in the spleen and the stomach - 脾胃濕熱
weakness of the spleen and the stomach - 脾胃虛弱
n.副脾 - accessory spleen
n.遠脾,運脾 - activating the spleen
n.脾虛經閉 - amenorrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen
澱粉樣脾 - amyloid spleen
n.開郁醒脾 - and activating spleen
n.思傷脾 - anxiety impairing the spleen
n.脾合胃 - association of the spleen and the stomach
n.火腿脾 - bacon spleen
n.脾中央破裂 - central rupture of spleen
脾臟結腸面 - colic surface of spleen
脾臟群體形成單位 - colony forming unit in spleen
n.先天性脾變位 - congenital displacement of spleen
n.脾咳 - cough related to the spleen channel
n.脾囊腫 - cyst of spleen
n.脾胃濕熱 - damp-heat in the spleen and the stomach
n.溫脾湯 - decoction for warming spleen
n.脾虛 - deficient spleen
n.脾消 - diabetes involving the spleen
n.脾消 - diabetes with the spleen involved
n.脾虛洩瀉 - diarrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen
n.脾變位 - displacement of spleen
n.甘入脾 - drugs sweet in taste act on the spleen
n.脾不健運 - dysfunction of the spleen
n.脾失健運 - dysfunction of the spleen in transport
n.脾水 - edema with the spleen involved
n.脾水 - edema with the spleen involved the splenic edema
n.升陽 - elevation the spleen yang
n.脾橢圓體 - ellipsoid of spleen
n.醒脾 - enlivening the spleen
n.醒脾 - enlivening the spleen or activating the spleen-qi
n.副脾切除術 - excision of accessory spleen
n.脾絕 - failure of spleen
n.脾纖維化 - fibrosis of spleen
n.斑點狀脾 - flecked spleen
n.游動脾,遊走脾 - floating spleen
n.中陽 - function of the spleen and stomach
n.烤硬狀脾 - hard-baked spleen
n.補脾攝血 - hemostasis by invigorating the spleen
n.脾門 - hilus of spleen
n.脾肺兩虛 - hypofunction of both the spleen and the lung
n.脾氣虛 - hypofunction of the spleen
n.脾肺兩虛 - hypofunction og both spleen and the lung
n.糖衣脾 - iced spleen
n.脾藏意 - idea stored in the spleen
n.傷脾 - imapirment of the spleen
n.傷脾 - impairment of the spleen
n.脾勞 - impairment of the spleen due to overstrain
n.脾胃不和 - inconrdination between the spleen and the stomach
n.肝脾不和 - incoordination between the liver and the spleen
n.脾胃不和 - incoordination between the spleen and the stomach