n. fabric ,material ,textile
cloth[klɔθ, klɔ:θ]n. 布,織物;餐巾
Cloth 布料;布類;布,抹布;編織物;table cloth 桌布;桌布桌布雲;檯布;紡織品等商品;American cloth 做檯布用的彩色防水布;彩色防水布;彩色油布;輕量平織物;glass cloth 玻璃纖維布;玻璃布;玻璃纖維織物;擦玻璃的抹布;pressing cloth 水布(熨燙服裝時覆蓋在上面的布);
1.Wipe the walls down with a soapy cloth . 用帶肥皂的布把牆壁徹底擦一下。
2.This kind of cloth feels as soft as silk. 這種料子摸上去就如絲綢一般柔軟。
3.However, not everyone is able to see the cloth. 然而,不是每個人都能夠見到布料的。
How much cloth did you want to order? - 你想要多少布料?
How much cloth does it take to make a skirt for the girl? - 女孩做一條裙子要用多少布?
Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag. - 迪基二話沒說就走了。一會兒,他帶著一個大布口袋回到店裡。
When Dickie was given the watch, the presented the assistant with the cloth bag. - 店員為迪基拿出了那塊手錶,迪基把布口袋遞給他,口袋裡面裝著300鎊的便士。
It's quite simple. You put a very hot, wet cloth on your shoulder for one minute. Then put a packet of frozen peas on the shoulder for one minute. And so on and so on. - 很簡單。你把一塊很熱的濕布敷在肩膀上一分鐘。然後把一包凍豌豆敷在肩膀上一分鐘。這樣反覆幾次。
He encouraged Indians to start making their own cotton cloth and to refuse to buy cloth made in England. - 他鼓勵印度人民自己著手紡紗織布,並拒絕購買英國紡織的棉布。
n.剛砂布 - emery cloth
n.濾布 - filter cloth
n.臍帶布 - umbilical cloth
n.防水,防水布 - waterproof cloth
n.篩布 - wire cloth