custom-built custom-made made-to-order 定做的;Purchasing tips for aesthetically designed Glass Tiles- 購買審美被設計的玻璃瓦片的技巧;Designed backpacks 新式背包;Designed to provide accurate blood pressure readings at home 為了提供準確的血壓讀數在家;Diesel submarine designed to counrter blockades and invasions 用於反封鎖的柴油動力潛艇;
1.Now you can put your custom game type or even your custom game lobby out there for everyone to see! This was Bungie's answer to custom matchmaking… 有人投反對票,當然就可以自賣自誇……你可以把自己發明的遊戲模式貼到遊戲大廳裡展示……
2.You can make custom functions and custom variable modifiers, so the template language is extremely extensible. 你可以編輯'自定義函數'和自定義'變量',所以這種模板語言完全可以擴展。
3.You can make custom functions and custom variable modifiers, so the template language is extremely extensible. 能編輯』自定義函數』和自定義』變量』,因此這種模板語言完萬能擴展。
4.If realistic approach, search for custom tree models and custom grass models. 如果現實的方法,搜索自定義樹草模式和自定義模式。
5.python manage. py sql custom polls — Outputs any custom SQL statements (such as table modifications or constraints) that are defined for the application. 輸出在這個應用中自定義的SQL語句,例如數據表的修改語句,或者定義約束的語句。
our talks about custom-designed dresses for the boutique? - 我們曾經談過為時裝店設計訂做的服裝嗎?