





disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store 磁盤存儲器;disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store 磁盤存儲器;disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store 磁盤存儲器;disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store 磁盤存儲器;disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store 磁盤存儲器;


1.In Winchester disk technology, by a read/write head in some magnetic disk unit, to come into contact with the disk surface in a "landing zone" as a normal step during deceleration of the disk. 在溫氏磁盤技術中,某些磁盤設備中的讀/寫頭在該磁盤減速制動期間,作為一個標準的操作步驟,進入「接合區」並與該區中的磁盤表面接觸的過程。

2.In Winchester disk technology, by a read/write head in some magnetic disk unit, to come into contact with the disk surface in a "landing zone" as a normal step during deceleration of the disk. 在溫氏磁盤技術中,某些磁盤設備中的讀/寫頭在該磁盤減速制動期間,作為一個標準的操作步驟,進入「接合區」並與該區中的磁盤表面接觸的過程。

3.In Winchester disk technology, by a read/write head in some magnetic disk unit, to come into contact with the disk surface in a "landing zone" as a normal step during deceleration of the disk. 在溫氏磁盤技術中,某些磁盤設備中的讀/寫頭在該磁盤減速制動期間,作為一個標準的操作步驟,進入「接合區」並與該區中的磁盤表面接觸的過程。

4.In Winchester disk technology, by a read/write head in some magnetic disk unit, to come into contact with the disk surface in a "landing zone" as a normal step during deceleration of the disk. 在溫氏磁盤技術中,某些磁盤設備中的讀/寫頭在該磁盤減速制動期間,作為一個標準的操作步驟,進入「接合區」並與該區中的磁盤表面接觸的過程。

5.In some magnetic disk systems, such as Winchester technology disk systems, a band on a disk surface on which a read / write head takes off and lands and on which it rests when the disk is stopped. 在某些磁盤系統,例如溫氏技術磁盤系統中,磁盤表面的一個區域,讀/寫頭在該區起落,當該磁盤停止工作時,讀/寫頭在該區中停留。


n. single disk friction clutch - 單盤磨擦離合器

n. disk alloy - 圓盤合金

n. disk conveyor - 圓盤運輸機

disk forceps - 鞏膜鑽板鑷

herniated disk syndrome - 椎間盤脫出綜合征

filter disk assembly - 濾片組

agar disk method - 瓊脂片法

disk recorder - 盤式錄音機

disk laser; slab laser - 盤形激光器

disk kidney - 盤狀腎

disk counter - 表盤式計數器

optic disk edema; papilledema; papilloedema - 視乳頭水腫


附著盤,吸盤 - adhesive disk

n.瓊脂片法 - agar disk method

n.阿米契氏盤 - amicis disk

n.暗板,橫盤 - anisotropic disk

n.暗板,橫盤 - anisotropous disk

關節盤 - articular disk

n.雙凹盤形 - biconcave disk

胚盤板 - blastodermic disk

視神經乳頭水腫,乳頭水腫 - choked disk

退行性椎間盤病,退行性椎間盤疾病 - degenerative disk disease

雙盤法 - double disk method

胚胎板,胚盤 - embryonal disk

n.胚盤 - embryonic disk

n.剛砂磨盤 - emery disk

n.骨骺板盤 - epiphyseal disk

n.骺板 - epiphysial disk

n.濾片組 - filter disk assembly

固定頭盤 - fixed head disk

柔性塑料磁盤,軟磁盤 - floppy disk

胚盤 - germ disk

胚盤,種臍 - germinal disk

n.青光眼性視神經乳頭凹陷 - glaucomatous cupping of disk

n.毛盤 - hair disk

n.亨森氏盤 - hensens disk

膘椎骨間圓片的疝 - hernia of lumbar intervertebral disk

椎間盤突出 - herniated disk

n.椎間盤脫出綜合征 - herniated disk syndrome

椎間盤突出 - herniation of intervertebral disk

(無脊椎)器官芽,成蟲盤 - imaginal disk

n.閏盤 - intercalated disk

恥骨間板 - interpubic disk

椎間盤 - intervertebral disk

推骨間的周片 - intervertebral disk displacement

n.橫紋肌明板,明板 - isotropic disk

腰部推骨成疝性圓片 - lumber vertebrae herniated disk

磁盤 - magnetic disk

n.麥克爾氏觸盤 - meckels disk

n.圓形膜盤 - membranous disk

n.核板 - nuclear disk

視乳頭盤,視神經乳頭 - optic disk

n.視乳頭水腫 - optic disk edema

n.普拉西多氏盤 - placides disk

n.尼龍拋光片 - polishing nylon disk

n.拋光紙片,紙片拋光 - polishing paper disk

旋轉盤方法 - rotating disk method

n.砂紙片 - sand paper disk

敏感盤 - sensitivity disk

椎間盤突出 - slipped disk

顳下頜關節板 - temporomandibular articular disk

n.觸盤 - tactile disk

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