





r. about ,all but ,just about ,most


almost['ɔ:lməust]adv. 差不多,幾乎


Almost 差不多了!;幾乎;幾乎,差不多;差不多;ALMOST PARADISE 樂士已近;宛若天堂;一蹴而就;宛若天堂|鈴聲;Almost Love 青春漫畫; 青春漫畫;就要愛上你;情迷戇豬男;Almost There 幾乎到達;幾乎沒有;幾乎實現了;十字祭;almost significant 殆顯著的;


1.I think almost all of them are great. 我認為,幾乎所有的人都是偉大的。

2.We have almost harsh system of management. 我們有近乎苛刻的管理制度。

3.Humans degenerated from 10 feet to almost half this size over time. 而人類則從10英尺退化到幾乎原有尺寸的一半。


I have many hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like classical music. - 我有很多愛好,喜歡各種運動,也喜歡古典音樂。

It's almost lunchtime, and no fish yet. - 差不多到午餐時間了, 還沒釣到魚。

It's almost ten o'clock. - 現在已經快十點鐘了。

in almost a full week. - 差不多有一整個星期了。

Sorry, I just like to watch almost all kinds of ball games. I'm strictly spectator. - 對不起,我僅僅喜歡觀看幾乎所有的球類比賽,我是個十足的觀眾。

Table tennis, I suppose. That's almost our national game. People from all walks play it. - 我想應該是乒乓球吧。它幾乎是全國性運動,各行各業的人都打。

I'm almost ready here. - 我快要準備就緒了。

We were married almost fifty years. - 我們結婚將近五十年。

He started with them almost forty years ago. - 他在那裡做了快四十年了。

It's almost ten o'clock. - 差不多十點了。

I could almost touch it. - 我幾乎可以摸到它。

Pete Waters's lived around here almost as long as I have. Pete Waters - 住在這兒差不多跟我一樣久了。

It's almost certain that they'll get a divorce. - 他們離婚幾乎已成定局。

Did you know I can type almost 60 words per minuter? - 你知道嗎,我能每分鐘打60個字。

World fashion used to be dictated almost entirely by the European designers. - 世界時間潮流過去幾乎都是由歐洲設計師所引導的。

The school was attended almost entirely by local children. - 上這所學校唸書的幾乎全是當地的孩子。

Well, I almost had a heart attack a few moments ago. - 好啦,我幾乎要得心臟病了。

He's been behind bars for almost 30 years. - 他坐了將近30年牢。

I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car. - 我穿過街時差一點被一輛汽車撞了。

Confidence of success is almost success. - 對成功抱有信心,就近乎成功。

He answered almost all of my questions. - 他回答了我幾乎所有的問題。

It'll take almost all my savings to buy the ticket. - 買票將花了我幾乎所有的積蓄。

We exchange products under almost all circumstances. - 在各種情形下我們都可更換產品。

We've priced it at $ 98, almost 30% less than the competition. - 我們訂價為98美元,幾乎少於競爭對手30%。

Yes, our production speed is almost twice the industry-wide average. - 是的,我們的生產速度是其他工廠兩倍。

Other suppliers have almost identical goods at the price 10% to 14% cheaper. - 別的供應商有和這幾乎相同的貨,價格便宜10%至14%。

Meat is almost more precious than money! - 肉貴得買不起了。

No. Can't you see that rocket is almost falling down. - 不。你不知道火箭快要倒下來了嗎?

Your pudding almost has the taste of ripe fruit. - 你做的布丁有正好熟透的水果般的味道。

I regretted saying it almost at once. - 但馬上又後悔說了這話。

Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. - 最近,找到失蹤寶藏的夢想差一點兒變成現實。

They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. - 但最後找到的是一枚幾乎一錢不值的小金幣。

She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for. - 她開心地迫使那位售貨員把櫥窗裡幾乎所有的東西都拿了出來,最後才買下了她最先要看的那一件。

The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel. - 世界不得不再等將近100年才看到海峽隧道竣工。

Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test. - 確信我已通過考試,所以我幾乎開始喜歡起這次考試。

I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, - 當我幾乎到了窗口,這時下面一個諷刺的聲音說,

At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. - 在早晨的這個時候,拱廊街上幾乎空無一人。

When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to find the little black lamb was almost white. - 半小時後,當他從屋裡出來時,他驚奇地發現小黑羔羊全身幾乎都變成白色。

Beggars almost sell themselves as human being to arouse the pity of passers-by. - 好像只有流浪漢是個例外,乞丐出售的幾乎是他本人,以引起過路人的憐憫。

There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract concept. - 在個別情況下,正義不再是一種抽像概念。

The sides of the dish were so smooth that it was almost impossible to attach hawsers and chains to the rim without damaging it. - 盤子四邊十分光滑,要在盤邊拴上繩索或鏈條而同時又不損壞它是很難辦到的。

It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. - 想擺脫開旅途的困擾是很難的。

Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted. - 一旦抵達目的地,你總是疲憊不堪。

for their house, which had sound foundations, would have stood stoutly even if it had been almost submerged. - 因為他們的房子地基牢固,即使洪水幾乎滅頂也不會倒塌。

One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and insect never more than six. - 人們幾乎一眼就能看出二者的差異,因為蜘蛛都是8條腿,而昆蟲的腿從不超過6條。

Snakes did not acquire their poison for use against man but for use against prey such as rats and mice, and the effects on these of viperine poison is almost immediate. - 因為蛇有毒液不是用來對付人的,而是對付它的獵物,諸如鼠類,毒液對這些獵物會立刻起作用。

It is almost always due to some very special circumstances that traces of land animals survive, - 幾乎總是由於某些特殊的條件,陸地動物的遺體才被存下來,

the bottle, the box, and the jar are almost always granted them. - 結果就是把瓶藥、盒藥、罐藥開給看病的人而完事大吉。

and near its lower reaches there is a long tailing-off which is almost certainly the result of material transported out to deep water after being eroded from the continental masses. - 在這個地帶的低處是很長的一段尾沙地段,基本上可以斷定這個地段是大陸塊體上侵蝕下來的物質被水沖到深水處形成的。

for it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. - 這個年齡的象差不多已能幹重活,可以很快掙回飼養它的開支。


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