n. tooth enamel
enamel[i'næməl]n. 搪瓷;琺琅;瓷釉;指甲油vt. 彩飾;塗以瓷釉
enamel 搪瓷;琺琅;瓷釉;牙釉質;enamel leather 漆皮;漆皮 皮革類英語;漆皮包;漆皮 :漆皮是經過加工處理的牛皮.;enamel ware 搪瓷器皿;搪戴皿;搪瓷;搪瓷製品;baking enamel 烘烤搪瓷;烘乾瓷漆;焗 漆;熱固琺琅;cloisonne enamel 景泰藍;
1.to enamel cardboard 在硬紙板上塗上瓷漆般的表面
2.Uses:In glass, ceramics porcelain and enamel industries. 用途:用於玻璃、陶瓷和搪瓷工業。
3.We want to buy Glass and Glass Products, Glass, Mirror, Enamel, Fittings. 我們要採購玻璃和玻璃產品,玻璃,鏡子,琺琅,配件。
n. enamel paint - 亮漆
inner enamel epithelium - 內釉上皮
inner enamel cell - 內釉細胞
nasmyths membrane; primary cuticle; primary enamel cuticle - 內斯密斯氏膜
n. cold enamel process - 冷瓷漆法
external enamel cell - 外釉細胞
external enamel epithelium - 外釉質上皮
n. cold enamel process - 常溫上釉法
mottled enamel dental fluorosis; mottled teeth of fluorosi; poikilodentosis - 斑釉病
laser enamel fusing machine - 激光牙釉質溶合器
enamel hypoplasia - 牙釉質發育不全
enamel caries - 牙釉質齲
n. enamel impregnation - 琺琅浸透
n. enamel paint - 瓷漆
enamel glaze - 瓷釉
secondary enamel cuticle - 繼發性釉上皮
secondary enamel cuticle - 繼發性釉護膜
reduced enamel epithelium - 縮余釉上皮
enamel tufts - 釉叢
enamel cuticle; epithelial sheath of enamel - 釉護膜
enamel lamella - 釉板
enamel rod; enemel prism - 釉柱
enamel spindle - 釉梭
enamel prism; enamel rods - 釉稜柱
enamel pearl - 釉珠
enamel metabolism - 釉質代謝
enamel organ - 釉質器
enamel contour line - 釉質外廓線
enamel incremental line - 釉質生長線
enamel decalcification - 釉質脫鈣
enamel caries - 釉質齲
enamel pulp - 釉髓
牛齒釉質 - cow tooth enamel
釉質柱之橫紋,釉質柱橫紋 - cross striation of the enamel rod
牙釉質,琺郎質 - dental enamel
n.薄釉質 - dwarfed enamel
n.釉護膜 - epithelial sheath of enamel
n.外釉細胞 - external enamel cell
n.外釉質上皮 - external enamel epithelium
游離軸質 - free enamel
遺傳性釉質發育不全,遺傳性釉質發育不良 - hereditary enamel hypoplasia
n.釉質發育不全 - hypoplasis of enamel
n.內釉細胞 - inner enamel cell
n.內釉上皮 - inner enamel epithelium
n.激光牙釉質溶合器 - laser enamel fusing machine
n.斑釉 - motted enamel
花斑狀牙釉質,斑釉 - mottled enamel
n.斑釉病 - mottled enamel dental fluorosis
n.薄釉質 - nanoid enamel
外釉質帶 - outer enamel band
n.內斯密斯氏膜 - primary enamel cuticle
n.釉質幅射線 - radial line of enamel
n.縮余釉上皮 - reduced enamel epithelium
n.繼發性釉護膜,繼發性釉上皮 - secondary enamel cuticle