





compass manage manage to 達成;The DLLs source used by above manage ap 上面管理程序用到的一個DLL的源碼;上面管理程序用到的一個DLL的源碼 -;manage a divan 經營煙窟 公安;Manage Backups 管理備份;Manage Add-ons 管理加載項;插件管理;管理插件;管理附加元件;


1.Now that you know how to manage your time, you can try to prioritize tasks, control procrastination, and manage commitments at work and at home. 既然你知道了管理時間的方法,那麼你就可以在家中和工作中,優先花你的任務,控制拖沓和管理承諾了。

2.No wholesaling foreign-funded commercial enterprises may manage salt or tobacco, and no retailing foreign-funded commercial enterprises may manage tobacco. 從事批發的外商投資商業企業不得經營鹽、煙草,從事零售的外商投資商業企業不得經營煙草。

3.The Resources Committee was not only an institution to make various plans and to manage state-owned enterprises but also an institution to manage public utilities. 資源委員會是國民政府學習蘇聯制定各種計劃和主辦國營事業的主要機構,也是國民政府公營事業的主要策劃者和主辦者;

4.We manage your operation for you in the first year : Send your technicians, we manage for you the rest ! 第一年我們負責運營:您只需派遣您的技術人員,我們來打理其他!

5.This article construct a Accountant information system to modern manage demand, in order to enterprise manage offer canonical and frequent information. 本文構建了一個滿足現代管理需要的會計信息系統,為企業管理提供規範、準確和快捷的信息基礎和分析依據。


Can you manage English conversation? - 你能用英語談話嗎?

I manage my time perfectly so that I can always get things done on time. - 我很會利用時間,因此總能準時完成工作。

Well, I guess your mother and I can manage it. - 嗯, 我想你媽和我可以設法幫這個忙。

Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box. - 但是能把儲蓄罐裝滿的只有屈指可數的幾個特別節儉的孩子。

At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. - 到了夜晚,你真想睡了,卻很難入睡。

No, thanks. I can manage it myself. - 不,謝謝。我可以自己提。

And now I'm telling you I can't manage this Friday. - 我正要告訴你我星期五沒辦法(出來)。

How do you manage in your wheelchair? - 你坐在輪椅上怎麼能旅遊呢?

No, we didn't fix anything. We thought we might go out, but we said we'd check with each other first. And now I'm telling you I can't manage this Friday. Another time, possibly, but not Friday. - 不,我們沒有決定任何事情。我們認為我們可能出去,但我們說好要先互相通通氣的。我正要告訴你我星期五沒辦法(出來)。換個時間還有可能,但不要在星期五。

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