straight-line drawing machine straight-line machine straight-line wire-drawing machine 直線式拉絲機;straight-line drawing machine straight-line machine straight-line wire-drawing machine 直線式拉絲機;straight-line drawing machine straight-line machine straight-line wire-drawing machine 直線式拉絲機;straight-line drawing machine straight-line machine straight-line wire-drawing machine 直線式拉絲機;a straight angle straight angle 平角;
1.Straight line bearing; Straight reel; Slide unit; Knuckle bearing; Flange straight line bearing; Linear guide rail; Needle bearing; Ball bearing lead screw; Centripetal bearing; 直線軸承;直線軸;滑塊單元;關節軸承;法蘭直線軸承;線性導軌;滾針軸承;滾珠絲桿;向心軸承;
2.Don't equivocate with me I want a straight answer to a straight question! . 別跟我繞彎子--我問的問題直截了當,回答也要直截了當!。
3.The gait of the Boston Terrier is that of a sure footed, straight gaited dog, forelegs and hind legs moving straight ahead in line with perfect rhythm, each step indicating grace and power. 波士頓梗的步態是落腳穩當,步伐整齊,前肢和後腿在同一直線上向前邁進,配合著完美的節奏,每一步都顯得有力而優美。
4.High card, One pair, Two pair, Three of a kind, Straight, Flush, Four of a kind, Straight Flush, Royal Flush, Full House. 大的散牌,一對,兩對,三條,順子,同花,四條,同花順,皇家同花順,葫蘆。
5.In his typically blunt way, he said he didn't care whether a soldier was straight, but whether he could shoot straight. 他以一貫直言不諱的方式指出,他不在乎某個士兵的性取向,他關心的是這個士兵能否把槍瞄得準。
Would you be driving straight to the train station? - 您想直接去火車站嗎?
I want some whiskey straight up. - 我想要些純威士忌。
I get off one job and go straight to another. - 我辭了工作後馬上又開始了另一個。
Nonsense! How can you say that and keep a straight face? - 胡說八道!你怎麼能不動聲色說那些話呢?
I don't think there will be a problem, you can move in straight away. - 我認為這沒什麼問題,你可以馬上搬進來。
I suggest you give her a call straight away. - 我建議你立即打個電話給她。
When I wake up in the morning, I go straight to the bathroom. - 我早上醒了之後就直接去衛生間洗澡。
Many shopping malls and supermarkets can deliver goods straight to your door. - 許多購物中心和超市提供免費送貨上門服務。
Make sure you file this invoice straight away; I don't want it being misplaced. - 記得現在就把發票給開了,我可不想弄錯了。
I can see straight into the neighbors'backyard from here. - 從這我可以直接看到鄰居們家的後院。
It's two blocks straight ahead. - 筆直向前走2街區。
During your first year of college,did you make straight A's? - 在你大學的第一年期間,你一直的得A?
Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks. - 到第2排紅綠燈處往左拐,然後一直往前走,過兩個街區。
Keep going straight for two blocks, then turn right on Elm street and you'll run right into it. - 一直走,過兩個街區,然後往右拐是埃爾姆街,再往前走,迎面就是莫特街。
The post office is two blocks straight ahead, You can't miss it. - 那郵局一直向前走過兩條街,很好找。
The school is two miles straight ahead. - 那學校一直向前兩英里。
A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. - 身正不怕影子斜。
Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves. - 羅伊行動迅速,開車直衝竊賊而去。
so she ran straight at them. - 於是她直衝過去。
It now came straight towards them at tremendous speed. - 它現在正以驚人的速度直衝他們駛來。
She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table. - 她曾告訴過麵包師,如果她不去開門,他可直接進門,把麵包放在廚房的桌上。
Even men who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics. - 甚至那些連一枚釘子都釘不直的男人都被認為是天生的電工、木匠、水管工和機械師。
How Harry managed to keep a straight face during these performances is quite beyond me. - 我實在想像不出哈里在這些表演中是怎樣裝出一本正經的樣子的。
for it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. - 這個年齡的象差不多已能幹重活,可以很快掙回飼養它的開支。
As long as all was still, the pen drew a straight line, - 只要一切都是靜止的,筆就會劃出一條直線;
Come straight along here, please. - 請直接沿這裡走過來。
Yes. Go straight ahead till you see the entrance. - 可以。一直往前走,直到入口處。
The dancer ran in a straight line, wagging from side to side. - 跳舞的蜜蜂左右搖擺地沿直線飛。
Then it turned in a semicircle, ran straight again, and turned in another semicircle to the opposite side. - 然後轉一個半圈,再沿直線飛,再朝反方向轉個半圈。
He noticed that the straight part of the dance was different in the afternoon from what it had been in the morning. - 他注意到下午舞蹈的直線部分與上午的不一樣。
It soon became clear that the straight part of the dance changed when the sun's position changed. If the feeding place was toward the sun, the dancer headed straight upward during the straight part of the wagging dance. - 情況很快就弄清了,舞蹈的直線部分是隨著太陽位置的變化而變化的。
If the feeding place was away from the sun, the straight part of the wagging dance pointed downward. - 如果餵食地點向著太陽,跳舞的蜜蜂在跳搖擺舞時直線部分就一直向上。
From this we get the expression to make a beeline for someone or something, which means to go quickly along a straight direct course for someone or something. - 從這裡我們得到一條短語"to make a beeline for someone or something,意思是迅速地沿著一條直線向某人或某物走去。
straight chain - 具鏈
n. straight land of blanking dies - 沖裁模凹模的直刃部分
n. straight land of blanking dies - 沖裁模的直刃部分
monocular straight tube microscope - 單筒直管顯微鏡
n. straight pin - 圓柱銷
lateral rectus; lateral straight musculus rectus lateralis - 外直肌
anterior straight muscle of head; musculus rectus capitis anterior - 頭前直肌
larger posterior straight muscle of head - 頭後大直肌
lesser posterior straight muscle of head - 頭後小直肌
n. straight sequence - 導入法
n. straight roll - 平面輥
open chain; straight chain - 開鏈
straight leg raising ang foot dorsiflexion test - 抬腿足背屈試驗
n. tie-rod construction straight sided press - 拉桿構造閉式雙柱壓力機
n. tie-rod construction straight sided press - 拉桿結構直邊壓力機
n. solid construction straight sided press - 整體結構直邊壓力機
n. solid construction straight sided press - 整體結構直邊式壓力機
n. straight flange - 正向翼緣
attack straight into - 直中
straight leg raising - 直伸抬腿
attack straight into - 直入
straight knife - 直刀
straight iris knife - 直刃虹膜刀
straight artery - 直動脈
gyrus rectus; straight gyrus - 直回
straight profiled bat - 直型桿
straight bore collimator - 直孔型準直器
arreriolae rectae; straight arterioles - 直小動脈
straight vessels; vasa recta - 直小血管
straight venules; venae rectae - 直小靜脈
straight sharp-pointed scalpel - 直尖刃手術刀
n. straight bending - 直彎曲
straight intestinal spatula - 直形壓腸板
straight suture needle - 直形縫合針
n. straight flanging - 直折邊
ramrod; straight elevator - 直挺
n. straight beam probe - 直探頭
n. straight sequence - 直接順序
straight atraumatic hemostatic forceps - 直無損傷止血鉗
sinus rectus; straight sinus - 直竇
straight line - 直線
n. straight line type unloader - 直線式卸載機
n. straight method - 直線法
n. straight line hardening - 直線淬火
n. straight line hardening - 直線硬化
n. straight line type unloader - 直線運動式取出裝置
n. straight flanging - 直線連接
straight tubules; tubuli recti; tubuli seminiferi recti - 直細精管
straight stomach clamps - 直胃鉗
straight back syndrome - 直背綜合征
n.頭前直肌 - anterior straight muscle of head
n.直中,直入 - attack straight into
n.頭後大直肌 - larger posterior straight muscle of head
n.外直肌 - lateral straight musculus rectus lateralis
n.頭後小直肌 - lesser posterior straight muscle of head
內側直肌 - medial straight muscle
n.單筒直管顯微鏡 - monocular straight tube microscope
直束中軸 - neutral axis of straight beam
n.近端小管直部 - proximal straight tubule
n.直部 - straight portion straight part