verminosisn. 寄生蟲病
verminosis 蠕蟲病;寄生蟲病;蟲病 蠕蟲病;蟲病;
1.Or because of bowel verminosis is causedMorpheusUnwell, or because cross be hungry, pass full etc. 或因腸寄生蟲病引起睡眠不適,或因過饑過飽等等。
2.Also Ke Jifa after resection of greater part of lack of masticatory obstacle, hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, stomach, bowel the disease such as verminosis suffers from. 也可繼發於咀嚼障礙、胃酸缺乏、胃大部切除術後、腸道寄生蟲病等疾患。
3.When the organ that waits for place when basin, abdomen, thorax produces infection, tumour or verminosis, can invade skull via vertebra vein clump inside or other is far an organ. 當盆。腹。胸腔等部位的器官發生感染。腫瘤或寄生蟲病時,可經椎靜脈叢侵入顱內或其它遠位器官。