





n. capitulum ,crest ,diadem ,pennantv. coronate ,top


crown[kraun]n. 王冠;花冠;王權;頂點vt. 加冕;居…之頂;表彰;使圓滿完成


Crown 皇冠;楦底冠弧;王冠;齒冠;Crown Victoria 維多利亞皇冠;維多利亞拍拍試衣間{林空鹿飲溪{皇冠;皇冠維多利亞;維多利亞;heel crown 跟踵;Crown Agent 英聯邦代辦;英聯邦;王室代理人;crown gall 冠癭;冠嬰;冠癭瘤;根癌病;


1.British kings are crowned in Westminster Abbey. 英國國王都在威斯敏斯特教堂加冕。

2.This book is about a king who loses his crown. 這本書講的是一位國王丟掉了王位的故事。

3.Words: owl, crown, brown, flower, tower, clown, coin, point, oil, boil. 單詞:老鷹,黃冠,棕色,花朵,塔,小丑,硬幣,向…指,油,煮。


A crown is no cure for the headache. - 王冠難治頭痛。

A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold. - 健康的身體貴於黃金鑄成的皇冠。

Quietude is the crown of life. - 安靜是生命的皇冠。


crown scissors - 冠剪

cement for crown bridge and inlay - 冠橋及嵌體用粘固粉

crown ether - 冠醚

n. crown block - 天車

seeamless crown machine - 無縫冠沖壓機

crown caps - 槽頂蓋板

crown scissors - 牙冠剪

crown forming machine - 牙冠成形機

crown screw - 牙冠用螺釘

n. crown block - 起重定滑輪

n. crown roll system - 軋輥系統

casting crown post - 鑄造冠柱

crown remover - 除冠器

crown rump; crownrump - 頂臀長度

corona veneris; crown of venus - 額梅毒疹


丙烯酸樹脂冠 - acrylic crown

n.丙烯酸酯罩冠 - acrylic veneer crown

解剖性冠 - anatomic crown

n.解剖牙冠 - anatomical crown

n.人造冠 - artificial crown

帶冠 - band crown

帶樁冠 - banded dowel crown

鑄冠 - cast crown

n.鑄造合金冠 - casting alloy crown

n.鑄造冠 - casting crown

n.鑄造冠柱 - casting crown post

n.冠橋及嵌體用粘固粉 - cement for crown bridge and inlay

n.睫狀冠 - ciliary crown

n.臨床冠,臨床牙冠 - clinical crown

臨床齒冠 - clinical crown of the tooth

n.全冠 - complete crown

n.牙冠破裂 - cracking of crown

齒冠,桁架中柱 - dowel crown

全鑄造冠 - full cast crown

n.全冠,全牙冠 - full crown

金冠 - gold crown

n.開面冠,露面冠 - half-cap crown

n.切牙形無縫冠 - incisor form seamless crown

n.甲冠 - jacket crown

n.金冠 - metal crown

n.金陶瓷聯合冠 - metal porcelain crown

n.金塑料聯合冠 - metalplastic crown

n.混合冠 - mixed crown

n.露面冠 - open-face crown

n.露面金冠 - open-face gold crown

n.開面冠 - openface crown

部分帶狀樁冠 - partial banded dowel crown

部分罩冠,部分鑄造冠 - partial crown

部分罩冠,部分覆冠 - partial veneer crown

n.塑料冠 - plastic crown

n.塑料甲冠 - plastic jacket crown

n.樁冠 - post crown

n.瓷套冠 - porcelain jacket crown

n.輻射冠 - radate crown

放射冠 - radiate crown

n.殘冠 - residual crown

n.樹脂套冠 - resin crown

n.無縫冠 - seamless crown

n.無縫金殼冠 - seamless gold crown

n.無縫冠沖壓機 - seeamless crown machine

n.殼冠 - shell crown

單純接合牙冠,單純合釘牙冠 - simple dowel crown

n.焊接冠 - soldered crown

n.不銹鋼齒冠 - stainless steel crown

n.暫用罩冠 - temporary crown

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