n. dilatation ,distension
distention[dis'tenʃən]n. 膨脹,擴張
distention 膨脹;擴張;脹潤;膨脹(作用);gaseous distention 胃脹氣;abdominal distention 腹脹;腹瀉 腹脹;腹膨脹,腹部膨隆;腹水;Acute distention 釋義:急性膨脹;Bladder distention 釋義:膀胱膨脹;
1.During the phase patients are often severely ill with marked weakness, abdominal discomfort, and distention. 值此時期,患者的病勢常嚴重:顯著衰弱,腹部不適並臌脹。
2.During the third week of treatment, he developed status epilepticus and progressive abdominal distention simultaneously. 在治療的第二個星期,他出現癲癇持續狀態同時有腹部進行性膨脹。
3.Here, we present two cases of fluid overload with acute pulmonary edema and electrolyte imbalance from hysteroscopy with different distention media. 此文主要報告二例接受子宮鏡手術的病人,雖以不同的子宮沖洗液仍造成急性肺水腫及電解質不平衡。
dilatation of aorta; distention of aorta - 主動脈擴張
distention of the stomach - 倒飽
distention of the abdomen abdomen - 小腹脹急
disintegrating masses; relieve distension and fullness; relieve the distension; relieving distension and fullness; relieving distention and fullness - 消痞
distention of the urinary bladder - 膀胱脹
distention reflex - 膨脹反射
distention of jugular vein - 頸靜脈擴張
n.腹部膨隆,腹脹 - abdominal distention
n.上腹脹 - epigastric distention
n.征疝 - epigastricpain with marded distention
n.腫脹 - generalized edema with abdominal distention
n.消痞 - relieving distention and fullness
n.寬中 - relieving epigastric distention
n.胃脹 - stomacg distention
n.胃脹 - stomach distention
n.膀胱膨滿 - urinary bladder distention