Arbitrability 可仲裁性;具備仲裁的條件;具備仲裁的條件 具備仲裁的條件;具備仲裁的條件 具備仲裁的條件;Subjective Arbitrability 主觀上仲裁適格;客觀上仲裁適格;Objective Arbitrability 客觀上仲裁適格;non-arbitrability 可仲裁性;
1.Arbitrability of international sports is the first key issue to be studied in the international sports arbitration theory. 在國際體育仲裁理論中,國際體育的可仲裁性是首先需要研究的核心問題。
2.The arbitrability of the international commercial dispute is a fundamental category of international commercial arbitration. 國際商事爭議的可仲裁性是國際商事仲裁製度的一個基本範疇。
3.Through the summary of international legislation and judicial practice the paper explains the developing trend of arbitrability from five aspects of this problem. 通過對國際立法與司法實踐的經驗進行總結,從五個方面闡釋爭議事項可仲裁性問題的發展趨勢。