





r. non


not[nɔt, ॼౠnt, n]adv. 不(用於否定句)


Not 邏輯非;非門;非;一個邏輯非;Is not 不是明明無法抵擋這股想念;不是;不是明明無法抵擋這股思念;不是明明無法抵擋這股想念卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裡;not negotiable 不得轉讓;不可轉讓;不允許流通;不可流通;not sufficient 基金不足;存款不足;不足;資力不足;not closing 凸嘴,不緊貼;凸嘴,不緊貼;


1.He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive. 神原不是死人的神,乃是活人的神;因為在他那裡,人都是活的(「那裡」或作「看來」)。」

2.More women start to work in China and Taiwan, but not as many as it is in Japan. 越來越多的女人開始在中國和台灣工作,但是並不和在日本工作的一樣多。

3.Today…en, Nothing that factory workers not to go to work, we have these poor managers to work! 今天…恩,沒什麼,就是工廠的工人不用上班而我們可憐的管理者要上班而已!


Miss Chen is not in right now. She went shopping. - 陳小姐現在不在,她去買東西了。

Mary is not available at the moment. - Mary現在沒空接電話

She is not able to take your call at the moment. - 她現在沒辦法接你的電話。

And plus, if you are not completely satisfied, you can return it to us. - 並且,如果您不是百分百的滿意,你可以將產品退還給我們。

I am sorry. I am not free right now. - 對不起,我現在很忙。

That's very nice of you. Where did you get it? It's not a print. - 真細心!你從哪兒弄來的?這還不是複製的呢!

Management changed and we did not get along. - 經理換人,而我們又處不來。

Yes, they let me go. Because I did not agree with their business philosophy. - 是的,他們讓我走。因為我不同意他們的經營理念。

Because the job was not challenging enough. - 因為那份工作挑戰性不夠。

What do you do when you are not working? - 工作之餘你有什麼消遣活動?

Yeah, just like I certainly did not expect to buy these gifts at such low prices. - 是啊,我怎麼也沒想到買這些禮物才花了這麼點錢。

Ha! Ha! But not real Rolexes. They look the same. - 哈!哈!但不是真的勞力士,看起來跟真的一樣。

I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for transport by sea. - 我擔心這種紙箱,用於遠洋運輸,不夠結實。

I'm not quite familiar with the claim and arbitration in international trade. - 我對國際貿易的索賠與仲裁不夠熟悉。

Otherwise, they'll not be considered. - 否則不予受理。

I guess they must have inspected only part of the goods, but not the whole. - 我猜想,他們檢查的只是部分貨物,而不是全部。

I see, it's not easy to marry and start a family. So when's the wedding? - 我明白,要組織一個家庭並不容易。那麼婚禮訂在哪天舉行?

Oh! Good afternoon. Mr. Wilson, I'm sorry, but he's not in. He's gone out on business. - 哦,您好!威爾遜先生。很抱歉,他不在家,他出差了。

should not be legally joined in marriage? - 不該合法結婚的,

Really? I'm not much of an outdoor person. - 真的?我不是很喜歡戶外活動的人。

No, that's not right. Most of the time I do those things. - 不對。那些事多數情況是我來做。

That's not an overstatement. As I said, these are only the main ones. There are many others. - 你這樣說一點也不誇張,我只是說了幾個重要的節日,還有很多沒有提及呢。

I'm not tipping you, you drive like a maniac. - 我不打算給你小費, 你開車像個瘋子。

No, …is not in right now. May I take a message? - 不, ……現在不在這兒。 我能幫你捎個口信嗎?

In my opinion, winter in Beijing is not very cold. - 我覺得北京的冬天不是特別冷。

He's not interested in settling down. - 他不想穩定下來。

I'm not full yet. - 我還沒吃飽呢!

Be careful not to drink the water in__. - 小心點兒,不要亂喝水。

I'm not hungry, I've been snacking all day. - 我不餓,我一整天都在吃零食。

He's not faithful to his wife. - 他對他的妻子不忠。

We're not seeing each other anymore. - 我們倆不再見對方了。

I'm really not interested. - 我真的不感興趣。

Crash dieting is not an advisable way to lose weight. - 瘋狂節食可不是減肥的好方法。

Oh, it's not finished yet, - 噢!它尚未完成。

Oh, that's not too far from here! - 噢, 那兒不很遠。

You ordered enough for three or four people,but I'm not complaining. - 你叫了夠三到四個人吃的菜,但我毫不在意。

Hi, Marilyn. I hope it's not too late. - 你好, Marilyn, 我希望我來得不算太晚。

Oh, not at all. We're still eating. - 噢, 沒關係 。我們還在吃著呢。

No, not yet. What about you? - 不, 還沒有。你呢?

No, it's not taken. - 沒有 ,沒人坐。

but I'm not sure I want to be alone. - 但我不知道我是否想一個人生活。

I'm not so young anymore. - 我不再那麼年輕了。

You are not going to be able to move after this and the aerobics class. - 你會動都動不了的。在你做完這個後又去上有氧運動課之後。

I bet I can go one hour in your class this morning and not feel a thing! - 我打賭我今天上午到的健身班運動一小時之後絲毫不累。

Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy. - 給全家人做晚餐真不是件容易的事。

The advanced exercise class is not so easy, huh? - 高級健身班不是那麼容易吧, 對不對?

It's not an important game, anyway. - 話說回來, 這場比賽不重要。

Hey, I'm a doctor, not a chef. - 嘿 我是個醫生 又不是廚師。

He's not breathing, Philip! - 他停止呼吸了 ,Philip。

Dad saved him, not me. - 是爸爸救了他, 不是我。


not at all - 一點也不

do not resuscitate - 不復甦

not measurable; notmeasurable - 不能檢查的

not measurable; notmeasurable - 不能測定的

if not restrained excess will bring harm - 亢害承製

transport and transform food and do not store it - 傳化物而不藏

The wound did not fester - 傷口未潰

tastelessness in the mouth and not thirsty - 口淡不渴

not delivered uterine pregnancy - 子宮內未產妊娠

not reported; notreported; unk - 未明的

not yet diagnosed - 未確診的

not at all - 根本不

not reported; notreported; unk; unknown - 沒有報道過的

the accumulated damp-heat can not be dissolved - 濕熱蘊結不解

not boiled soybean juice poisojning - 生豆漿中毒

the patient's body fluid has not been consumend - 病人津液未傷

The patient can not feed himself yet - 病人還不能自己進食

storing and not eliminating; storingandnot eliminating - 藏而不洩

quantity not sufficient; qus - 量不足

a solid bell can not ring; dysphonia due to excessive netal - 金實不鳴

a broken gong does not sound - 金破不鳴

insufficiency of yang-qi; there is not enough yang-qi - 陽氣不足

nondiabetica; not diabetic - 非糖尿病的

solid not fat; solidnotfat - 非脂肪固體物


n.金破不鳴 - a broken gong does not sound

n.金實不鳴 - a solid bell can not ring

業務外疾病 - disease not prescribed by regulations

n.不復甦 - do not resuscitate

致炎物未知,病原物質未確定 - etiologic agent not identified

n.亢害承製 - if not restrained

n.亢害承製 - if not restrained excess will bring harm

n.量不足 - quantity not sufficient

n.非脂肪固體物 - solid not fat

n.藏而不洩 - storing and not eliminating

n.口淡不渴 - tastelessness in the mouth and not thirsty

n.濕熱蘊結不解 - the accumulated damp-heat can not be dissolved

n.病人還不能自己進食 - The patient can not feed himself yet

n.病人津液未傷 - the patient's body fluid has not been consumend

n.傷口未潰 - The wound did not fester

n.陽氣不足 - there is not enough yang-qi

n.傳化物而不藏 - transport and transform food and do not store it


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