breech-loading 後膛裝填的;後裝式的;breech-loading gun 後膛炮;
1.a metal block in breech-loading firearms that is withdrawn to insert a cartridge and replaced to close the breech before firing. 從後膛裝彈的槍炮上的一個金屬閂,在開火前我們先把這個閂向後拉,放進彈藥,再把它關上,然後才能進行戰鬥。
2.a metal block in breech-loading firearms that is withdrawn to insert a cartridge and replaced to close the breech before firing. 槍炮上的一個金屬閂,在開火前我們先把這個閂向後拉,放進彈藥,再把它關上,然後才能進行戰鬥。
3.The earliest muzzle-loading rifles were more difficult to load than smoothbore muskets, but the invention of metallic cartridges made possible the development of breech-loading mechanisms. 最早的前裝步槍裝彈比滑膛槍困難,但金屬彈藥筒的發明促進了後膛裝彈裝置的發展。