housing add 住房補貼;dovetailed housing joint 鳩尾套接;鴆尾套接;distributor housing 分電器外殼;分電盤外殼;分配器[配電器]殼;分電器外殼?;reimbursement for dismantled urban housing 城市房屋拆遷補償;affordable housing 經濟適用房;適中的房產價格;可支付住宅;可負擔的住房;
1.But after Wherever developers owing on the loan collateral housing information can not be revealed, so developers can produce housing trademarks prove, that the Housing unsecured. 但開發商還貸後塗銷抵押的房屋信息則無法顯示,因此開發商若能出示房屋的塗銷證明,則表明該房屋無抵押情況。
2.Vasquez said that the Spanish built housing cooperatives housing area is 50% of this government to protect the Housing. 巴斯克斯說,西班牙建房合作社所建住房面積的50%都是這種政府保護房。
3.If the buyers choose to pay the Housing rental housing to low-income families, the government could also be considered "low cost housing" abandon their portion of rent receipts. 如果經適房購買者選擇將住房出租給低收入家庭,政府還可以將其視為「廉租房」放棄自己那部分租金收益。
4.From the point of view of housing demand, have gradually from the "people adapt to the Housing" transition "Housing adaptation" psychological orientation. 從對住房的需求來看,也逐步從「人適應房」過渡到「房適應人」的心理取向。
5.With the advance of the housing reform, housing units by the State and turnkey system change, and encourages the participation of individuals in solving housing problems. 隨著房改的推進,住房由國家和單位統包的體制得到改變,鼓勵個人參與解決住房問題。
For years we've been demanding better housing and jobs. - 多年來我們一直要求改善住房和工作條件。
n. housing stand - 墊圈架
housing conditions - 居住條件
The heart fails in housing the mind - 心不藏神
n. housing stand - 箱架
n. housing stand - 罩支架
n.心不藏神 - The heart fails in housing the mind