





a. audile ,auditive


auditory['ɔ:ditəri]n. 聽眾;禮堂adj. 聽覺的;耳朵的


auditory 耳的;聽覺的;聽覺;可聽的;auditory threshold 聽覺閾限;聽覺闕限;聽閾;釋義:聽閾;auditory perception 聽知覺;聽覺感知;聽力知覺;聽覺;Auditory Design 聽覺設計;auditory area 聽覺區;聽閾;聽覺區域;可聽領域,可聽範圍;


1.We hear when the cochlea, in the inner ear, stimulates the auditory nerve. 當內耳中的耳蝸刺激聽神經時,我們便可以聽見聲音。

2.Objectives:To observe the influence of hyperbilirubinemia in the brainstem auditory function of neonates. 目的:觀察高膽紅素血症對新生兒腦幹聽覺功能的影響。

3.The auditory centers in their brainstems showed a greater response than those of the non-musicians to these complex sound cues. 他們腦幹的聽力中心比那些非音樂家對那些複雜的聲音暗示展現出更大的反應。


argumentative auditory halllucination - 爭論性幻聽

verbal auditory screen for children - 兒童語言聽覺屏幕

congenital deformity if auditory ossicles - 先天性聽骨畸形

congenital absence of auditory ossicles - 先天性聽骨缺失

congential fusion of auditory ossicles - 先天性聽骨融合

congenital stricture of external auditory meatus - 先天性外耳道狹窄

congenital absence of external auditory meatus - 先天性外耳道缺失

congenital atresia of external auditory meatus - 先天性外耳道閉鎖

congenital exostosis of osseous auditory meatus - 先天性骨性耳道外生骨疣

arteria auditiva interna; internal auditory artery - 內聽動脈

arteria auditiva interna; internal auditory artery - 內聽道

auditory vertigo; auditoryvertigo; aural vertigo; auralvertigo - 內耳性眩暈

internal acoustic meatus; internal auditory meatus; meatus acusticus internus - 內耳道

auditory reaction time - 聽力運動反應時

acustic area; auditory area; auditosensory area - 聽區

auditory placode - 聽基板

auditory ossicles; ossicula auditus; phonophore - 聽小骨

absence of auditory ossicules - 聽小骨缺失

muscles of auditory ossicles; musculi ossiculorum auditus - 聽小骨肌

fusion of auditory ossicles - 聽小骨融合

ligamenta ossiculorum auditus; ligaments of auditory ossicles - 聽小骨韌帶

auditory hallucination; pseudacousma - 聽幻覺

auditory string - 聽弦

auditory acuity - 聽敏度

auditory hairs - 聽毛

auditory vesicle; otocyst - 聽泡

acoustic nerve; auditory nerve; nervus acusticus - 聽神經

auditory tube; auditorytube; the auditory canal - 聽管

auditory cells - 聽細胞

auditory center - 聽覺中樞

auditory pathway - 聽覺傳導路

auditory organ - 聽覺器官

auditory sensation area - 聽覺域

acoustic agnosia; auditory agnosia - 聽覺失認

acoustic aphasia; auditory aphasia - 聽覺性失語

auditory agnosia - 聽覺性認識不能

auditory acuity; hearing acuity - 聽覺敏度

auditory goniometer - 聽覺測向儀

auditory fatigue - 聽覺疲勞

auditory vigilance task - 聽覺警覺作業

auditory training; auricular training - 聽覺訓練

auditory adjusting apparatus - 聽覺調整器

auditory labyrinth examining chair - 聽覺迷路檢查椅

auditory threshold - 聽覺閾

auditory radiation; radiatio acustica - 聽輻射

auditory illusion - 聽錯覺

auditory threshold; hearing threshold - 聽閾

auditory threshold shift - 聽閾位移

auditory ossicles; ossicula auditus - 聽骨

necrosis of auditory ossicles - 聽骨壞死


n.外耳道膿腫 - abscess of external auditory meatus

n.聽小骨缺失 - absence of auditory ossicules

n.外耳道缺失 - absence of external auditory meatus

n.評論性幻聽 - argumental auditory hallucination

n.爭論性幻聽 - argumentative auditory halllucination

n.外耳道閉鎖 - atresia of extermal auditory canal

n.耳定,耳癰 - boil of external auditory meatus

腦幹聽覺誘發反應 - brainstem auditory evoked response

n.外耳道膽脂瘤 - cholesteatoma of external auditory neatus

n.先天性聽骨缺失 - congenital absence of auditory ossicles

n.先天性外耳道缺失 - congenital absence of external auditory meatus

n.先天性外耳道閉鎖 - congenital atresia of external auditory meatus

n.先天性骨性耳道閉鎖 - congenital atresia of osseous auditory

n.先天性聽骨畸形 - congenital deformity if auditory ossicles

n.先天性骨性耳道外生骨疣 - congenital exostosis of osseous auditory meatus

n.先天性外耳道狹窄 - congenital stricture of external auditory meatus

n.先天性聽骨融合 - congential fusion of auditory ossicles

n.聽骨畸形 - deformity of auditory ossicles

n.延遲聽反饋 - delayed auditory feedback

n.外耳濕疹 - eczema of external auditory meatus

n.聽骨糜爛 - erosion of auditory ossicles

n.外耳道 - exterior auditory canal

外耳道 - external auditory canal

n.外耳道用刮匙 - external auditory canal curet

外耳逍反射 - external auditory canal reflex

外耳道 - external auditory foramen

n.外耳道 - external auditory meatus

n.基施氏反射 - external auditory meatus reflex

外耳門 - external auditory pore

n.外聽道 - externla auditory meatus

n.聽骨骨折 - fracture of auditory ossicles

n.耳疔 - furnuncle of external auditory meatus

n.外耳道癤 - furuncle of external auditory canal

n.聽小骨融合 - fusion of auditory ossicles

n.命令性幻聽 - imperative auditory hallucination

n.明耳目 - improve visual and auditory acuity

n.外耳道切開引流術 - incision and drainage of external auditory canal

n.外耳道炎症 - inflammation of external auditory canal

n.耳瘡 - inflammation of external auditory meatus

n.內聽道,內聽動脈 - internal auditory artery

內耳道 - internal auditory canal

n.內耳道 - internal auditory meatus

n.外耳道沖洗法 - irrigation of external auditory canal

n.聽骨韌帶,聽小骨韌帶 - ligaments of auditory ossicles

聽小骨肌 - muscle of auditory ossicle

n.聽小骨肌 - muscles of auditory ossicles

n.聽骨壞死 - necrosis of auditory ossicles

n.耳痔 - nodules of external auditory meatus

n.外耳道乳頭狀瘤 - papilloma of external auditory meatus

咽鼓管咽口 - pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube


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