resonation[,rezə'neiʃən]n.resonate的變形vi. 共振;共鳴: 例句:A child reared in a family of musicians may all his/her life resonate to song and dance.在音樂世家裡養大的孩子可能一生之中對歌舞都有共鳴。迴響,反響: 例句:The valley resonated with their laughter.山谷裡迴盪著他們的笑聲。【天文學】(與自身或另一天體)做同步運動[參較 corotate]vt. 使產生共振(或共鳴等)使反響;使起回聲變形: resonated , resonating
1.First, manners of articulation are incorrect, the movement of vocal chords disharmonious and the use of resonation unscientific. 一是發聲方法不正確,聲帶運動調節失調,共鳴運用不良。
2.You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:"i'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber! " what's your response? 你碰著一個瘋狂的出亡所科學家,他說:我籌算將我的量子調諧器插進你的光子共振腔,你將作何反映?
3.You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:"i'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber! " what's your response? 你碰到一個瘋狂的避難所科學家,他說:我計劃將我的量子調諧器插進你的光子共振腔,你將作何反響?