sandblast['sændblɑ:st, -blæst]n. 噴沙;噴沙器vt. 對...噴沙vi. 以噴沙清掃
sandblast 噴砂(處理),吵噴;噴砂清除法;噴沙器;噴砂 噴砂器;sandblast cleaning 噴砂清理;噴沙清理;sandblast nozzle 噴砂機;噴紗嘴;噴砂口;噴紗機;sandblast apparatus 噴砂裝置;噴砂設備 、噴砂箱;sandblast device 噴砂設備;
1.Sandblast internal surface of restoration for 1-2 seconds. Rinse with water and air dry. 在修復體內表面噴砂1-2秒鐘。用清水沖洗,吹乾。
2.Based on sandblast working principle and structural characters of blast gun, free jet model was developed in eject sect. 根據噴砂工作原理和噴槍結構特徵建立了引射段的自由射流模型。
3.Denim pants with 5 pocket styling and button enclosure. Medium sandblast with whiskering effect and worn edges. Conttrast stitching and small label at front pockets. Loose fit. 舒適寬鬆的牛仔是以5個口袋和帶有紐扣附件的促斜紋棉布料製成,穿著舒適又方便,充滿了當代歐洲的簡約時尚風格,但又不失精緻。耐洗。