





a. bilious


biliary['biljəri]adj. 膽的;膽汁的;輸送膽汁的;由於膽汁異狀的


biliary 膽汁的,膽的;膽汁的;輸送膽汁的;由於膽汁異狀的;biliary calculus 膽石;膽結石;釋義:膽石;biliary ascariasis 膽道蛔蟲;膽道蛔蟲病;膽道蛔蟲症;Biliary atresia 膽道閉鎖;膽道閉鎖;膽道閉鎖症;先天性膽管阻塞;biliary tract 膽道;膽管:;


1.The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). 肝臟內遍佈著膽管,膽管將膽汁運送到一個大的管道(膽總管)裡。

2.Objective:To observe the ultrastructural alteration of cholecyst in diabetic patients with biliary calculus. 目的:觀察糖尿病伴有膽結石患者膽囊超微結構的改變。

3.Objective To explore the value of laparoscope in the treatment of biliary leak after laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). 目的探討腹腔鏡在腹腔鏡膽囊切除術後膽漏治療中的應用價值。


biliary cirrhosis of children - 兒童膽汁性肝硬變

congenital deformity of biliary tract - 先天性膽道畸形

congenital atresia of biliary duct - 先天性膽道閉鎖

primary biliary cirrhosis of liver - 原發性膽汁肝硬變

primary biliary dyskinesia - 原發性膽道運動障礙

charcots cirrhosis; primary biliary cirrhosis; primarybiliarycirrhosis - 夏科氏肝硬變

post traumatic stenosis of biliary duct - 損傷性膽管狹窄

secondary biliary cirrhosis - 繼發性膽汁性肝硬變

secondary biliary dyskinesia - 繼發性膽道運動功能失調

secondary biliary cirrhosis - 續發性膽汁肝硬變

primary biliary cirrhosis; primarybiliarycirrhosis - 肝夏科氏肝硬變

extrahepatic biliary atresia - 肝外膽管閉鎖

extrahepatic obstructive biliary cirrhosis - 肝外膽管阻塞性膽汁性肝硬變

extrahepatic biliary obstruction - 肝外膽道梗阻

biliary colic; hepatic colic - 肝絞痛

biliary cystic duct syndrome; cholecyst duct syndrome - 膽囊管綜合征

biliary dyskinesia - 膽囊運動障礙

biliary pole - 膽小管極

biliary drainage - 膽汁引流

biliary dyspepsia; biliary lndigestion - 膽汁性消化不良

biliary hepatitis - 膽汁性肝炎

biliary cirrhosis of liver - 膽汁性肝硬變

bile peritonitis; biliary peritonitis - 膽汁性腹膜炎

biliary digestion - 膽汁消化

biliary diabetes - 膽汁糖尿病

biliary stearrhea; biliary steatorrhea - 膽汁脂肪痢

biliary fustula - 膽瘺

biliary calculi; biliary calculus; cholelith; cholelithes; chololith; gallstone; gallstones - 膽石

biliary colic; gallstone colic - 膽石絞痛

bile duct; biliary duct - 膽管

cystic dilatation of biliary duct - 膽管囊性擴張

biliary cyst; cyst of bile duct - 膽管囊腫

ulcer of biliary duct - 膽管潰瘍

cholangitic biliary cirrhosis of liver - 膽管炎性膽汁性肝硬變

biliary duct cannula - 膽管病

biliary ducts spasm - 膽管痙攣

cancer of biliary duct - 膽管癌

tumor of biliary duct - 膽管腫瘤

biliary tract - 膽道

reperation of biliary tract - 膽道再次手術

trauma of biliary tract - 膽道創傷

dysfunction of biliary tract - 膽道功能紊亂

fluke disease of biliary tract; trematodiasis of biliary tract - 膽道吸蟲病

parasitic infection of biliary tract - 膽道寄生蟲感染

parasitic disease of biliary tract - 膽道寄生蟲病

foreign body in biliary tract - 膽道異物

malignant tumor of biliary tract - 膽道惡性腫瘤

infection of biliary tract - 膽道感染

biliary tract operation - 膽道手術

trauma of biliary tract - 膽道損傷


n.膽道蛔蟲症 - ascariasis of biliary tract

n.膽道良性腫瘤 - benign tumor of biliary tract

n.膽管癌 - cancer of biliary duct

上部膽管癌 - cancer of upper biliary tract

n.膽管炎性膽汁性肝硬變 - cholangitic biliary cirrhosis of liver

n.先天性膽道閉鎖 - congenital atresia of biliary duct

先天性膽道閉鎖 - congenital biliary atresia

n.先天性膽道畸形 - congenital deformity of biliary tract

n.膽管囊性擴張 - cystic dilatation of biliary duct

n.膽道畸形 - deformity of biliary tract

n.膽道功能紊亂 - dysfunction of biliary tract

n.膽道運動障礙 - dyskinesia of biliary tract

n.膽道探查術 - exploration of biliary tract

n.肝外膽管閉鎖 - extrahepatic biliary atresia

n.肝外膽道梗阻 - extrahepatic biliary obstruction

n.肝外膽管阻塞性膽汁性肝硬變 - extrahepatic obstructive biliary cirrhosis

n.膽道吸蟲病 - fluke disease of biliary tract

n.膽道異物 - foreign body in biliary tract

n.膽道賈第蟲病 - giardiasis of biliary tract

n.膽道感染 - infection of biliary tract

n.膽道炎症 - inflammation of biliary tract

n.膽道惡性腫瘤 - malignant tumor of biliary tract

環的收縮 - narrow bileduct biliary stactor

口服膽囊造影劑 - oral biliary contrast medium

n.膽道寄生蟲病 - parasitic disease of biliary tract

n.膽道寄生蟲感染 - parasitic infection of biliary tract

n.損傷性膽管狹窄 - post traumatic stenosis of biliary duct

n.肝夏科氏肝硬變,夏科氏肝硬變 - primary biliary cirrhosis

n.原發性膽汁肝硬變 - primary biliary cirrhosis of liver

n.原發性膽道運動障礙 - primary biliary dyskinesia

原發膽汁性肝硬變 - primary biliary liver cirrhosis

n.膽道再次手術 - reperation of biliary tract

n.繼發性膽汁性肝硬變,續發性膽汁肝硬變 - secondary biliary cirrhosis

n.繼發性膽道運動功能失調 - secondary biliary dyskinesia

n.膽道狹窄 - stenosis of biliary tract

n.膽道狹窄 - stricture of biliary tract

n.膽道創傷,膽道損傷 - trauma of biliary tract

n.膽道吸蟲病 - trematodiasis of biliary tract

n.膽管腫瘤 - tumor of biliary duct

n.膽道腫瘤 - tumor of biliary tract

n.膽管潰瘍 - ulcer of biliary duct

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