unplugging[,ʌn'plʌɡ]vt.unplug的變形vt. 拔去…的塞子: 例句:to unplug a bathtub拔去洗澡盆的塞子拔去…的電源插頭: 例句:to unplug a refrigerator拔掉冰箱的電源插頭除去…的障礙物;疏通: 例句:to unplug the sewer疏通下水道變形: unplugged , unplugging
Unplugging Nightmare 噩夢 香港版;
1.Please use the hotplug icon in the status bar to safely stop devices before unplugging them. 拔出設備之前,請使用狀態欄中的圖標安全地將其停止。
2.I have a tooth of eat by moth, these days very ache, should go fill a tooth, still went unplugging change? 我有個蛀牙,這幾天很疼,應該去補牙,還是去拔了換一個?
3.It was not as simple as unplugging the computer connection, sleeping on it for a few days while a computer surgeon works on the damage so everything could be good as new. 這不是簡單的拔出連接電腦,一連幾天睡上一台電腦,而外科醫生的作品都可以因此損害完好如新。