Natural flavors and aromas 天然香精香料;Flavors and Essences 香料、香精製造;possessing Chinese flavors 具有中國韻味;具有中國風味;Seasonings and Flavors 調料和味道;Savory flavors 鹹味香精;
1.The Russian River fruit contributes peppery, spicy flavors while the Sonoma Valley fruit contributes blueberry, jammy black fruit flavors. 來自俄國河的葡萄令此酒辛香撲鼻,而索諾瑪谷的葡萄則賦予此酒藍莓與黑色漿果的風味。
2.Medium deep red color. Ripe perfumed plum/blackberry aromas and flavors. A supple but well concentrated palate with black plum /liquorice flavors. 適中的深紅色澤。李子、黑莓的香氣與口味芬芳成熟。口感柔和醇濃,黑李與甘草口味豐富而有層次。
3.Deep amber in color with flavors of sweet raisins, dates and figs. A powerful but smooth sherry that is sweet, rich and mature with a lingering finish. 此酒呈琥珀色,帶有甜美的葡萄乾,海棗與無花果香。有力度而不失柔順,是一款甜美,豐滿,成熟且回味悠長的雪莉酒。
4.POPs come in ten flavors: Officers, Aristocrats, Capitalists, Clergymen, Clerks, Craftsmen, Farmers, Laborers, Soldiers, and Slaves. 人群分為十種類型:軍官、貴族、資本家、傳教士、職員、工人、農民、壯工、士兵和奴隸。
5.It is round and full bodied, with bright fruit flavors of blackberry, raspberry and black pepper. 酒體豐滿圓潤,帶有明亮的水果風味,如黑莓,紅莓以及黑胡椒的味道。
You have your choice of three flavors of ice cream. - 你有3種風味的冰淇淋可選擇。
five flavors matching the organs - 五走
n.五味偏嗜 - addiction to one of the five flavors
n.五色五味所入 - attribution of five colors and five flavors
n.五味所入 - attribution of five flavors
n.五走 - five flavors matching the organs