ither['iðə]adj. [英方]其它的(等於other)
1.E ither/ or: Shall we send them in one or two lots? 選擇法:我們送一批還是兩批?
2.I think it unwise fore ither of us to be inflexible. How about meeting each other halfway? 我認為我們都這麼強硬很不明智。我們能不能各讓一半?
3.Either I am wrong or His marketing team should do a decent job, otherwise, a rising and shining STAR could be faded in crucial commercial reality. 是我錯了還是杜淳的市場策劃團隊不得力?如果這樣下去,商業社會嚴酷的現實會讓杜淳這顆冉冉升起、熠熠生輝的明星黯淡下去的。