Dependentsn. 家屬(dependent的複數);從屬單元格;關聯
Dependents 關聯;從屬;從屬格線;從屬單元格;Select Dependents 選擇相關;List Dependents 列出依賴的對象;Foreign Dependents 外籍眷屬;Display Dependents 顯示相關性;
1.You must attend with any dependents such as your wife, dependent children or dependent adults. 您必須出席與所有受撫養者例如您的妻子、依賴孩子或者依賴成人。
2.In so many words, we are not dependents any more but independent individuals who take full responsibility for our actions and their consequences. 直截了當地說吧,我們不再依賴別人了,而是要對自己的行為及其後果負全部責任的獨立人了。
3.So long as we are doing our fair share, we are not dependents; for mutual help and cooperation is quite consistent with individual independence and self-reliance. 只要我們盡了自己的一份努力,我們就不是依賴者;因為相互幫助與合作是和個人的獨立和依靠自己完全一致的。