a round-the-world tour 環球旅行;Around the world-Aqua 環遊世界-水叮噹合唱團;Traveling around the world - Enjoying the most quality lifestyle 環遊世界,最佳物質享受;Around The World------Nat King Cole 電影[環遊世界八十天]主題曲;
1.Mr Rudd flew to Sanya yesterday for the last leg of his China visit and around-the-world trip. 拉德飛抵三亞昨天的最後一站,他的中國之行和環球之旅。
2.On his return, he and Buzz Aldrin, the second moon walker on that Apollo 11 flight, went on a 45-day, around-the-world tour as NASA ambassadors. 返回地球後,他偕同阿波羅11號第2位踏上月球的巴茲.艾德林,以美國太空總署大使身份造訪全球45天。
3.The cinematic footage creates theatrical settings, around-the-world locations as well as characters in the story, who interact with our performers. 其中的影片片段,不但創造了劇幕佈景,成為環繞世界各地的場景,同時片中的角色也將和現場演員穿插互動,將故事呈現。