nwtabbr. 淨重(net weight);西北地區[加](North West Territories)
NWT 無廢技術;新世界電訊;新世界;new with tags;NWT New World Telephone 新世界電話公司(香港);NWT NetWork Test 網絡測試;NWT nonwaste technology 無廢技術;無廢工藝;
1.NWT may need to test or direct the testing of materials to determine suitability and render approval. NWT可能經過試驗或者直接檢測決定是否無害。
2.NWT will provide more specific guidance on how to select appropriate products, and types of products or specific products whose use is restricted or prohibited. NWT將提供更詳細的選擇商品指南,以及怎麼樣選擇這類商品,以及限制使用的商品種類和禁止使用的商品種類。
3.There are more and more applications of numerical method, i. e. Numerical Wave Tank (NWT), to research the interaction of ship and offshore structure with wave and current. 對船舶及海洋結構物與波浪、流的相互作用的研究,越來越多地採用數值方法,即數值波浪水池(NWT)。