





r. squarelyn. foursquare ,lame ,public square ,second powera. hearty ,satisfying ,straight ,straightforwardv. feather ,square up


a. circular ,corrupt ,crooked ,round


square[skwεə]adj. 平方的;正方形的;直角的;正直的vt. 使成方形;與…一致vi. 一致;成方形n. 平方;廣場;正方形adv. 成直角地


square 正方形;二次方,平方;直角尺;史克威爾;Union Square 聯合廣場;聯合廣場;九龍站;聯邦廣場;engineering square 金工角尺;square deal 公平交易;公道政治;公平交易。;公平的待遇;mitre square 斜榫尺;斜角尺;


1.He squared off the log to make a timber. 他把那塊圓木削成了方形木料。

2.You draw a square. 你畫一個正方形。

3.Each tile is square and contains four edges. 每個瓷磚是正方形且包含四條邊。


I always eat three square meals a day. - 我總是每天三頓飯都好好吃。

What's the area of the Congo in square miles? - 在平方英里內剛果的範圍是什麼?

In fifty years there'll be twenty people per square yard, it is written here. - 這裡寫著,再過五十年每平方碼將要住著20人的人口密度。

How much is this carpet per square yard? - 地毯每平方碼要多少錢?

This square table is good. - 這張方桌很不錯。

Our school covers 100 square meters. - 我們學校佔地面積平方米。

As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. - 當我們穿過舊德裡的市場時走了很長一段路,我們在一個廣場上停下來休息。

The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square foot of ground, - 每平方英尺地皮取得最大收入


incomplete latin square experiment - 不完全拉丁方試驗

chi square test - 卡方測驗

reef knot; sailors knot; square knot - 反結

mean square value - 均方值

mean square deviation - 均方差

root mean square value - 均方根值

n. square butt weld - 平頭對接焊

inverse square law - 平方反比率

square bodied suture needle - 方體縫合針

n. square sleeker - 方修平刀

n. square trowel - 方頭墁刀

square head bolt - 方頭螺栓

n. square groove - 方形凹槽

n. square set method - 方形定位法

n. square scanning - 方形掃瞄

square wave - 方形波

n. square type charactericity - 方形特色

n. square setting - 方形裝配

n. square bar - 方條

n. square reference-grid - 方標準網格

n. square groove - 方槽

square shoulder - 方結

square shoulder - 方肩

n. square file - 方銼

square neck bolt - 方頸螺栓

n. square groove weld - 無坡口槽焊

least square method; least-square method - 最小二乘法

n. lateral square scan - 橫向方陣掃瞄

n. lateral square scan - 橫方形掃瞄

square pyramid - 正方稜雛

watts per square centimeter - 每平方厘米瓦特數

rectanglar wave; square wave - 矩形波


n.均方的平均值 - average value of mean square

n.卡方 - chi square

n.卡方測驗 - chi square test

n.不完全拉丁方試驗 - incomplete latin square experiment

n.平方反比率 - inverse square law

n.最小二乘法 - least square method

n.方差 - mean square

n.均方差 - mean square deviation

n.均方值 - mean square value

n.中方格 - medium square

n.均方根 - root mean square

n.均方根值 - root mean square value

n.每平方厘米瓦特數 - watts per square centimeter

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