superduty['sju:pə,dju:ti]adj. 超耐用的;超級耐高溫的
superduty 超級;超級的;超重型;超級 超級的 超重型;superduty silica brick 超級硅磚;superduty fireclay brick 特級黏土磚;
1.It will be helpful in development of superduty refractory used for the CDQ lining brick. 根據干熄焦工藝特點,分析了內襯磚的損蝕機理以及影響性能指標因素的排序。
2.The superduty silica bricks and BG-96 silica bricks were estimated the best products during the national quality testing by the National Technology Control Bureau. 高級硅磚和BG—96硅磚在國家技術監督局產品質量全國統檢中被評為玻璃窯用優質產品;
3.The major ore minerals are galena and sphalerite. The ore deposit is superduty in scale, associated pyrite, parAgenetic gypsum and celestine also reach the large-size deposits. 主要礦石礦物為方鉛礦、閃鋅礦,礦床規模達超大型,伴生的黃鐵礦及共生的石膏、天青石均達大型礦床規模。