termly['tə:mli]adv. 定期地adj. 定期的;每一期的
termly 定期的;定期的, 每一期的 定期地;定期地;And communication with cleaning firm termly 日常抽查地面,洗手間等區域衛生,定期與保潔公司溝通;periodic periodical regular stated terminal termly time 定期的;Improve company meal to communication with all employees termly 提升伙食質量,定期與全員溝通;Cooperate with planner to deal with dead stock and slow moving stock termly 配合計劃員定期處理死貨和滯銷貨;
1.To file the batch record in the GMP library termly. 將批記錄定期歸檔在GMP圖書館。
2.Termly visit guest. Pay attention to the appearance to please the guests. 定期走訪日資企業,以良好的對客交流的服務形象,取悅客人。
3.The equipment's maintenance staffs should take the equipment maintenance plan , and maintain it termly . 設備維護人員實施設備維護計劃,定期維護設備。