cornea['kɔ:niə]n. [解]角膜
Cornea 角膜;眼角膜;釋義:角膜;角膜 醫療衛生;cornea reflex 角膜反射;cornea farinata 角膜粉屑樣變性;釋義:角膜粉樣變性;cornea plana 扁平角膜;釋義:扁平角膜;limbus cornea 角膜緣;釋義:角膜緣;
1.Their poison is a neurotoxin that causes pain and can damage the mucus membranes and cornea. 它們的毒是神經毒素,這種毒能引起疼痛並破壞粘膜和角膜。
2.YMF: Yes, because ultraviolet rays from the sun damage the cornea, the lens and even the retina. 答:對,來自太陽的紫外線(光)會傷害你的眼睛的角膜,晶體甚至視網膜。
3.In this case, mouse bone marrow stem cells grew into cells that produce the cornea protein keratocan. 在這種情況下,老鼠骨髓干細胞長成能夠產生眼角膜蛋白質的細胞。
perforation of cornea with prolapse of iris; perforation of the cornea with prolapse of iris - 損翳
keratomalacia; petaloid nebula of cornea with a depressed center - 花翳白陷
cornea fixation forceps - 角膜固定鑷
cornea verticiolata; fleischers vortex; vortex corneal dystrophy - 角膜渦狀營養不良
cornea dyskeratosis - 角膜角化不良
cornea softing; keratomalacia; keratomalcia - 角膜軟化症
n.角膜酸性灼傷 - acid burn of cornea
n.角化性痤瘡 - acne cornea
n.愈性角膜白斑 - adherent leucoma of cornea
n.角膜鹼性灼傷 - alkaline burn of cornea
n.角膜異常 - anomaly of cornea
n.前上皮 - anterior epithelium cornea
角膜前界板 - anterior limiting layer of cornea
n.人工角膜 - artificial cornea
n.角膜帶狀變性 - bandshaped degeneration of cornea
n.角膜基底細胞癌 - basal cell carrcinoma of cornea
n.血染角膜 - blood staining of cornea
n.卡他性角膜潰瘍 - catarrhal ulcer of cornea
n.角膜化學灼傷 - chemical burn of cornea
圓角膜 - circular cornea
n.角膜混濁 - clouding of cornea
n.先天性角膜葡萄腫 - congenital staphyloma of cornea
n.圓錐角膜 - conical cornea
n.角膜挫傷 - contusion of cornea
n.角膜脂肪變性 - corneal fatty degeneration of cornea
n.角膜腐蝕 - corrosion of cornea
n.角膜球面變曲度 - curvature of cornea
n.前上皮 - epithelium anterius cornea
n.角膜小面 - faceted cornea
n.扁平角膜 - flat cornea
角膜斑狀營養不良 - fleck dystrophy of cornea
n.角膜異物 - forrign body on cornea
n.角膜顆粒狀變性 - granualr degeneration of cornea
角膜溝狀營養不良 - gutter dystrophy of cornea
n.感染匐行性角膜潰瘍 - infectious serpent ulcer of cornea
角膜界板 - limiting layers of cornea
n.黑睛微晦 - lusterless cornea
n.角膜周邊變性 - marginal dystrophy of cornea
n.玉翳浮滿 - nebula covering the cornea
n.角血管翳 - pannus at the cornea
n.黑睛破損 - perforation of cornea
n.損翳 - perforation of cornea with prolapse of iris
n.損翳 - perforation of the cornea with prolapse of iris
n.花翳白陷 - petaloid nebula of cornea with a depressed center
角膜後界板 - posterior limiting layer of cornea
n.屍體角膜混濁 - postmortem turbidity of cornea
n.角膜固有質層 - propersubstance of cornea
角膜網絡狀營養不良 - reticular dystrophy of cornea
n.環狀角膜潰瘍 - ring ulcer of cornea
角膜環狀潰,角膜環狀潰瘍 - ring ulcer of the cornea
n.角膜鱗狀上皮細胞癌 - squamous cell carcinoma of cornea
n.角膜後壁 - the posterior wall of the cornea
n.血翳包睛 - trachomatous pannus covering the cornea
角膜,孔 - trepanation of the cornea
n.赤睛潰陷 - ulcer of cornea
角膜血管化 - vascularization of cornea