n. functional magnetic resonance imaging
fMRIabbr. 功能磁共振成像(Functional magnetic resonance imaging)
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging;功能性磁共振成像;功能磁共振成像;成像技術;fMRI scans 像掃瞄圖;BOLD-fMRI 成像;技術;功能磁共振;Blood oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging;ME-fMRI 成像;MRI and fMRI 結合功能磁共振;
1.The Whole Brain atlas, hosted by the Harvard Medical School, displays pictures from MRI to fMRI in various disease states. 全腦圖譜,由哈佛醫學院主持,展示各種疾病狀態下的核磁共振到功能核磁共振的圖片。
2.The Whole Brain atlas is a site that is hosted by the Harvard medical school which displays pictures from MRI to fMRI in various disease states. 全腦地圖是哈佛醫學院主辦的站點,搜集了不同疾病狀態下的核磁共振成像和功能核磁共振成像圖片。
3.The fMRI data indicate that these gains were the result of information being processed more quickly and efficiently through the prefrontal cortex. 功能性核磁共振造影技術的數據表明,這是得益於信息可以快速有效地通過腦額葉前部皮層。