grendeln. 格倫德爾(盎格魯-撒克遜古史詩《裴歐沃夫》中被裴歐沃夫殺死的男妖)
Grendel 戈蘭德爾;屠龍武士;格藍戴爾;Beowulf And Grendel 貝奧武夫與怪獸格蘭戴爾;貝伍夫-勇士傳奇;Grendel the Really Old 漢斯;
1.If you want to hear what English's Anglo-Saxon parent sounded like 1400 years ago, listen to Grendel in this movie. 如果你想聽1400年前盎格魯撒克遜語的發音,那就仔細聽這部電影中格蘭戴爾的語言吧。
2.To avenge Aeschere's death, the company travels to the murky swamp, where Beowulf dives into the water and fights Grendel's mother in her underwater lair. 為了要替亞斯克瑞報仇,貝爾武夫與勇士們同行人來到了幽暗的沼澤,貝爾武夫立即潛入水底哥倫多媽媽所住的洞穴中與她搏鬥。
3.The central stories deal with the hero Beowulf's fight with the lake-monster Grendel's and Grendel's mother, and his killing of a dragon and his death of wounds incurred then. 作者姓名不詳,也不知道是一人還是多人。中心故事是關於英雄貝奧武甫怎樣打敗湖怪格倫德爾及其母親,後來自己又在殺一條龍時受傷而死。