Karaoke Terror 昭和歌謠大全集;Ukulele Best Years Karaoke 精選優客李林KARAOKE;Karaoke and Dance Hall 歌舞廳;
1.there are handstands and games to play and yoya and karaoke and wild, crazy, bohemian dancing. 還有倒立和遊戲可以玩,還有愈加,卡拉OK,以及狂野,激情四溢,放蕩的舞蹈。
2.Crosstalk phenomenon in some areas is a serious, multi-room karaoke singing becomes when the "toad hole." 有些地方是串音現象嚴重,多房間唱歌時歌廳就變成了「蛤蟆坑」。
3.He also likes to sing karaoke, but he also has a tin ear. 我的朋友不是很會跳舞。他沒有一點節奏感。
4.Round dance halls and karaoke box OK, Qinggemanwu, so that you fully relax, feel the different atmosphere. 圓形歌舞廳及卡拉OK包廂,輕歌曼舞、使您充分放鬆,感受異地情調。
5.We obtained the Certificate of Hi-tech Item of our laser compact disc player and computer karaoke player , approved by Shenzhen City Science and Technology Burea. 2003年光盤機和圖文電視系統設備獲得由深圳市科技局頒發的高新項目認定證書。