Laputan. 拉普他島(一小說中的飛行浮島)
Laputa 浮島;天空之城;天空之城 宮崎駿;天空之城----------宮崎駿;Laputa Coffee 飛島咖啡;Laputa Cafe 飛島咖啡館;Laputa Laputan 勒普泰島;Laputa The Castle in the Sky 天空之城;含部分相關音樂;天空之城印象集;天空之城電子樂;
1.The Destination Address on your landing card does NOT exist in Republic of Laputa. 您在海關入境卡上填寫的萊普特共和國境內居住地址不存在。
2.Although it began life as a classic adventure tale, "Laputa" became too entwined with weighty matters in the real world, and suffered for it. 儘管《天空之城》的開場是一個典型的冒險故事,但是它仍然在現實世界上交織著很沉重的話題。
3.The night was nearly ended, but only the sky over Utsunomiya (was bright), like the evening was just born, like the dome-shaped fort in Laputa on fire. 夜晚即將告別,但宇都宮的天空依然一片明亮,彷彿是黃昏初臨,和《天空之城》裡面陷入火海的堡壘一般。