ogaden[,ɔɡə'den; əu'ɡɑ:den]奧加登(埃塞俄比亞東南部地區)
Ogaden 歐加登;奧加登;歐伽登;Ogaden National Liberation Front 歐加登民族解放陣線;
1.The Ethiopians also lambast Human Rights Watch for not visiting the Ogaden, knowing that it was they who blocked the visit. 報告還嚴厲指責了人權組織沒有走訪奧加登進行實地考察,但知道正是他們阻止了人權觀察的訪問。
2.An Ethiopian rebel group known as the Ogaden National Liberation Front says it attacked the workers because it objects to the exploitation of the region's mineral resources. 埃塞俄比亞的一個號稱「歐加登全國解放陣線」的反政府組織聲稱對這起攻擊事件負責。這個組織說,他們反對任何公司剝奪這個地區的礦物資源。
3.1934 - An Anglo-Ethiopian boundary commission in the Ogaden discovers an Italian garrison at Walwal, which lay well within Ethiopian territory. This leads to the Abyssinia Crisis. 1934年,安哥拉-埃塞俄比亞邊界位於歐加登(埃塞俄比亞)的一個巡邏隊在沃沃(地名)發現了意大利駐軍,而此處本屬於埃的領土。此事件導致後來的阿比西尼亞危機。