





syndrome['sindrəum, -drəm-]n. [醫]綜合征;[醫]綜合症狀;[醫]併發症狀;[計]校驗子;[計]並發位


syndrome 綜合症;綜合征;症候群;綜合病症;Down Syndrome 唐氏症;唐氏綜合征;唐氏綜合症狀;唐氏綜合症;withdrawal syndrome 戒斷綜合征;撤藥綜合症;戒斷症狀;戒斷症候群;Dumping Syndrome 傾倒綜合征;胃傾倒症;傾倒症候群;傾食症候群;amnestic syndrome 遺忘綜合征;失憶綜合症;第十二節 遺忘綜合征;


1.How to improve holiday mood syndrome? 怎樣改善假期心情綜合症?

2.Are you / your child willing to play with people with Down syndrome? 你/你的子女是否願意跟唐氏綜合症患者一起玩耍?

3.Descriptions of savant syndrome appear in the scientific literature as early as 178

9. 早在1789年,科學文獻中就出現有關學者症候群的描述。


syndrome of the upper-jiao - 上焦病

syndrome of the upper-jiao; the synptoms of the upper heater - 上焦病證

cold syndrome of middle-jiao; cold syndrome of the middle-warmer; syncope due to pathogenic cold - 中寒

apoplexia; apoplexy; apoplexy or wind-stroke syndrome of taiyang - 中風

wernicke-korsakoff syndrome wernickekorsaloff - 二氏綜合征

shaoyang syndrome complicated by taiyang syndrome - 二陽並病

excess syndrome of the five zang-organs - 五實

deficiency syndrome of the five zang-organs - 五虛

syndrome of corpus striatum; vogts syndrome - 伏格特氏綜合征

exterior syndrome of febrile disease - 傷寒表證

syndrome of hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism - 低腎素性低醛固酮綜合征

mif syndrome; syndrome of medial longitudinal fasciculus - 內側縱束綜合征

syndrome of high-titer cold hemagglutination - 冷凝集綜合征

febrile disease at wei phase; syndrome if wei systim; weifen syndrome - 衛分證

symdrone of both weifen and qiten; syndrome of both qi and wei systems; the simultaneous presence of wei and pi - 衛氣同病

sumdrome of both wei and ying systems; syndrome of both weifen and yingfen - 衛營同病

syndrome characterized by dyspnea; syndromecharacterized bydyspnea - 喘證

syndrome of post-traumatic decreased inreanial - 外傷後低顱壓綜合征

syndrome of cerebral peduncle; syndrome of weber; weber-dubler syndrome - 大腦腳綜合征

cold-stroke syndrome of taiyang channel - 太陽傷寒

syndrome involving taiyang channel - 太陽經症

syndrome of taiyang fu-organ - 太陽腑病

syndrome of taiyang fu-organ - 太陽腑證

wind syndrome of head - 頭風

syndrome of shaoyang channel - 少陽經證

syndrome of shaoyang channel - 少陽經證病

syndrome of shaoyang fu - 少陽腑證

ogilvies syndrome false colonic obstruction - 奧吉爾維氏綜合征

diencephalic syndrome of early infancy - 嬰兒間腦性綜合征

stuffiness syndrome of excess type - 實痞

syndrome resulting from the retention of phlegm - 宿痰

cold phlegm; phlegm syndrome due to cold - 寒痰

inanition syndrome in infant - 小兒營養不足綜合征

exterior-heat syndrome in ohildren - 小兒表熱

hyperkinetic syndrome of cmdhood - 小兒運動過度綜合征

syndrome of posterior inferior cerebellar artery - 小腦下後動脈綜合征

syndrome of cerebellar hemisphere injury - 小腦半球損害綜合征

syndrome of cerebellopontine angle - 小腦腦橋角綜合征

syndrome malingnancy - 惡性綜合征

siadh; syndrome of inapropriate adh - 抗利尿激素分泌異常綜合征

aspiration syndrome of newborn - 新生兒吸入綜合征

summer-heat syndrome with hypochondriac pain - 暑熱脅痛

jacksons syndrome; syndrome of vago-accessoryhypoglossal paralysis - 傑克遜氏綜合症

syndrome of qi system - 氣分證

treating cold syndrome with crugs of hot maure; treating cold syndrome with drugs of hot nature - 治寒以熱

treating heat syndrome with drugs of cold nature - 治熱以寒

syndrome of external wall of cavernous sinus - 海綿竇外側壁綜合征

syndrome of sea-blue histiocyte - 海藍色組織細胞綜合征

heart onfused by phlegm; mental confusion due to phlegm; syndrome of mental confusion due to phlegm - 痰迷心竅

cold syndrome with pseudo-heat symptoms - 真寒假熱


n.虛寒症 - a variety of cold syndrome

n.腹壁綜合征 - abdominal syndrome

n.戒斷綜合征,脫癮綜合征 - abstinence syndrome

n.阿-提二氏綜合征 - achard-thiers syndrome

n.愛滋病,獲得性免疫缺乏綜合征 - acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome

n.艾滋病,愛滋病 - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

肢端感覺異常綜合征 - acroparesthesia syndrome

急性腦綜合征,急性氣器性腦綜合征 - acute brain syndrome

急性發熱性粘膜皮膚淋巴綜合征,急性發熱性粘膜皮膚淋巴結綜合征 - acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome

n.急性發熱性皮膚淋巴結綜合征 - acute febrile mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome

n.甘塞氏綜合征 - acute hallucinatory mania nonsense syndrome

腎上腺-性器官綜合征 - adreno-genital syndrome

n.腎上腺-性變態綜合征,腎上腺生殖綜合征 - adrenogenital syndrome

n.阿德森氏綜合征 - adsons syndrome

n.急性放射性綜合征,急性放射綜合症 - acute radiation syndrome

n.急性呼吸窘迫綜合征 - acute respiatary distress syndrome

急性呼吸窘迫綜合征 - acute respiratory distress syndrome

n.戴-阿二氏綜合征 - adair-dighton syndrome

n.亞-斯二氏綜合征 - adams stokes syndrome

n.阿-斯二氏綜合征;亞-斯二氏綜合征(突然神志喪失合併心傳導阻滯) - adams-stokes syndrome

n.斯-亞二氏綜合征 - adams syndrome

n.適應綜合征 - adaptation syndrome

n.阿狄森氏綜合征 - addisonian syndrome

粘連綜合症 - adherence syndrome

n.艾迪氏綜合征 - adies syndrome

n.垂體綜合征 - adiposo-genital syndrome

n.肥胖性生殖器退化綜合征,弗勒利希氏綜合征 - adiposogenital syndrome

n.腎上腺皮質綜合征 - adrenal cortical syndrome

n.腎上腺男性化及腎上腺性徵綜合征 - adrenal virilism and adreno-genital syndrome

n.成人呼吸窘迫綜合征 - adult respiratory distress syndrome

n.輸入段綜合征 - afferent loop syndrome

無胃綜合症 - agastric syndrome

n.無舌無指綜合征 - aglossia-adactylia syndrome

n.阿-麥-斯三氏綜合征 - albright-mccune-sternberg syndrome

n.奧爾布賴特氏綜合征 - albrights syndrome

酒癮綜合征 - alcohol dependence syndrome

酒精綜合症 - alcohol syndrome

n.戒酒綜合征 - alcohol withdrawal syndrome

n.酒精戒除綜合征 - alcohol withdrawl syndrome

n.奧爾德裡奇氏綜合征 - aldrichs syndrome

神經錯亂綜合症 - alienation syndrome

n.阿爾波特氏綜合征 - alports syndrome

n.色素性視網膜炎糖尿病耳聾綜合征 - alstroms syndrome

n.肺泡毛細管阻滯綜合征 - alveolar capillary block syndrome

肺泡毛細血管阻塞綜合症,肺泡毛細血管阻塞症 - alveolar-capillary block syndrome

肺泡低換氣症 - alveolar hypoventilation syndrome

肺泡毛細血管阻塞症,肺泡毛細向管阻塞綜合症 - alveolocapillary block syndrome

n.阿馬裡克氏綜合征 - amairics syndrome

n.疑核脊髓丘腦性癱瘓綜合征 - ambigous spinothalamic paralysis syndrome

n.閉經泌乳綜合征 - amencrrhea-galactorrhea syndrome

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