BlackHole 坍縮星;Blackhole stormtroopers 黑洞暴風部隊;blackhole physics 黑洞物理學;blackhole route 黑洞路由;blackhole list 黑名單;黑洞列表;黑洞表列;
1.Scientist haven't known that what happened inside of the Blackhole. 科學家仍不能說出黑洞內發生了什麼。
2.Success of the shadow trooper division led to the creation of the Storm Commandos, as well as Blackhole's elite stormtrooper forces. 暗影部隊的成功推動了帝國特種衝鋒隊和「黑洞」精銳衝鋒隊的建立。
3.They are able to crush most units due to their immense size, but the secondary ability, Blackhole armor, is its true crowning glory. 得益於他們的龐大體積他們可以碾壓大多數單位。但他的第二技能,黑洞裝甲,才是他真正的耀眼之處。