





a. able-bodied ,capable


a. unable


able['eibl]adj. 能;有能力的;能幹的


able 有才幹的,能幹的;可······的,能······的;有能力的;作業平衡線評價;able leader 能幹的領導人;addre able 可訪問的;可尋址的;可設定地址的;able trend 明顯趨勢;spell able 有能力;有才幹;幹練的;


1.Able to write market inspection report. 能夠撰寫市場調查報告;

2.You should be able to hear us from the chapel. 你從小禮拜堂裡應該能聽到我們的聲音。

3.Will we be able to select more than 12 units at the same time? 我們將能夠在同一個時間選擇超過12個的個體單位嗎?


She is not able to take your call at the moment. - 她現在沒辦法接你的電話。

By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation? - 順便問一下,我們取消後可拿回定金嗎?

Mr. Lu, we are very pleased to be able to offer this product to you. - 陸先生,我們很高興能提供這個產品給您。

And I'll be able to show you around our city. - 我可以帶你在我們那兒四處看看。

I plan to leave the present job in order to be able to get into the advertising business. - 我想離開目前的工作是為了進入廣告業務以尋求發展。

When will you be able to deliver? - 您什麼時候可以交貨?

Will I be able to receive the goods by the end of September? - 我可以在9月底以前收到貨嗎?

I hope to be able to join the school band. - 我想加入學校的樂隊。

If hired, when would you be able to start working? - 如被錄用, 你什麼時候可以開始工作?

You are not going to be able to move after this and the aerobics class. - 你會動都動不了的。在你做完這個後又去上有氧運動課之後。

The bad news is, you won't be able to adopt the dog. - 壞消息是你不能收養那隻狗了。

I know you'll be able to take care of it. - 我知道你能夠處理好這件事。

And you won't be able to speak for a while. - 有一段時間 你們沒有辦法講話。

and you won't be able to have dinner. - 你沒有辦法吃晚飯了。

I'm just happy that we're able to talk about it. - 我很高興我們能夠一起商討這件事。

I just want to be able to make my own decision. - 我只想能夠自己決定。

and we probably won't be able to - 而我們也許也一樣不能

No. If we buy a house, I want to be able to handle it alone. - 不, 如果我們買房子, 我希望能夠自行負責。

and be able to put more money down. - 也就可以增加自備款的額度。

Would you be able to come over Saturday night? - 星期六晚上能過來嗎?

If my wife takes a second job and leaves the kids in day care, we should be able to get the loan for a two storey place. - 如果我的妻子做兩份工,把孩子送去全托,我們就可以貸款買一棟兩層的房子了。

Then we'll be able to make our fire there where it's safe. - 然後我們就可以在那兒找一個安全的地方生火了。

It would have been great if we had been able to bottle the smells. - 假如我們能將氣味裝瓶該有多好。

If you can order a bit more, we might be able to give you a 2% discount. - 如果你能夠再訂多一些,我們可以給你 2% 的折扣。

I hope that someday maybe you'll be able to visit my family in Beijing. - 我希望將來有一天,你可以來北京到我家裡作客。

I've never been able to figure him out. - 我一直不能理解他。

You might be able to sue the company for age discrimination. - 你就可以去控告這家公司搞年齡岐視。

And also hope you will be able to make unique contribution to the economy of both countries. - 同時期望你們為中美兩國經濟做出卓越的貢獻。

I hope we will be able to maintain this good relationship and make next year another great one together. - 我希望我們還能保持這樣良好的關係共創輝煌的來年。

I hope you will be able to do a good business with the Chinese as well as customers of other countries. - 我希望你們能夠和包括中國在內的各國客戶做成交易。

I'm afraid I won't be able to come. - 我恐怕不能來。

You'll never be able to fill your father's shoes. - 你永遠也替不了你父親的工作。

Will anyone be able to fill her shoes now that she's left the company? - 既然她已經離開了公司,有人能接替她的位置嗎?

Would Dr.Block be able to see me at 9:30 tomorrow? - 明天9點半布洛克醫生能給我看病嗎?

Do you think you'll be able to go to sleep right away? - 你認為你將馬上入睡嗎?

We should be able to resolve our differences. - 我們應該能解決我們的分歧。

There's a chance he won't be able to be home for Christmas. - 他不能回家過聖誕節有偶然性。

We may be able to help you in some way. - 我們也許能在某些方面幫助你。

I think we may be able to work together in the future. - 我想也許將來我們可以合作。

We'll still be able to meet the deadline. - 我們還是可以趕上最後期限的。

As they are in such a damaged condition, we doubt we will be able to take delivery. - 由於它們殘損如此嚴重,恐怕我們無法提貨。

I am pleased to say that we will be able to deliver the transport facilities you require. - 很高興告訴您你方要求的運輸設備我方可以發貨。

I am afraid I will not be able to accompany you. - 我恐怕無法跟你在一起了。

Will you be able to drive me to the airport? - 請問,你能送我到機場嗎?

I hope he will be able to find it. - 我希望他會找到它。

I know he will be able to find way here. - 我知道他會找到這裡的路。

I know he will be able to find way home. - 我知道他會找到回家的路。

I know he will be able to find way there. - 我知道他會找到那裡的路。

I'm certain he will be able to find the right place. - 我肯定他會找到正確地點。

I'm sure he will be able to find the place. - 我確定他會找到那地方。


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