Technical rules for data interface between topographic database and geographic name database 地形數據庫與地名數據庫接口技術規程;ARSdb - Abstracted Database and Recordset Classes 抽像的數據庫和記錄類;Advanced Database 高級數據庫;新一代數據庫;數據庫論;ARSdb - Abstracted Database and Recordset Classes 抽像的數據庫和記錄類;Aerospace Database 航空航天數據庫;宇航數據庫;
1.You are not an owner of this database. Please contact an Administrator of this database to get Database Ownership permissions. 您不是該數據庫的所有者。要獲得數據庫所有者權限,請與該數據庫的管理員聯繫。
2.Database management system (DBMS) is a software system facilitating the creation and maintenance of a database and the execution of computer programs using the database. 數據庫管理系統是一種軟件系統。它便於建立和維護數據庫以及使用數據庫執行計算機程序。
3.NDBMS will be a CODASYL type database as opposed to a relational database. It is NOT a network management database. NDBMS將會是一個CODASYL類型的數據庫,他反對使用關係型數據庫,他不是一個網絡管理數據庫。
4.Database management system (DBMS) is a software system facilitating the creation and maintenance of a database and the execution of computer programs using the database. 數據庫管理系統是一種軟件系統。它便於建立和維護數據庫以及使用數據庫執行計算機程序。
5.The background database containing RS, GIS, GPS, statistical and ground truth data is classified to spatial database and attribute database. 空間數據包括多時相遙感(RS)影像、地理基礎和專題地圖、基於GPS的田間作業數據等,屬性數據包括農業統計、地面監測數據等。
臨床數據基礎管理系統 - clinical database management system