toting[təut]vt. 手提;攜帶;背負;合計n. 手提;負擔;總數;裝載;拖
gun toting 持槍行兇;Polaris-toting crane 波拉瑞氏起重機;Whip-Toting Skeleton 持鞭骷髏;Whip-Toting Red Skeleton 持鞭血骷髏;Fuck all those gun-toting 他媽的這些持槍;
1.Toting their bed rolls from work site to work site, they earn as little as 50 cents an hour. 他們背著行李卷輾轉在各個工地之間,所賺的工時費低至每小時50美分。
2."The wishes in our hearts to sacrifice for our motherland enable us to endure the hardship, " said Gao Teng, a machine-gun toting soldier from Jiangxi province. 來自江西省的持槍方隊戰士高騰說:『我們心裡有一種為祖國奉獻一切的信念,這種信念讓我們能夠忍受這些艱苦。』
3.It is a common sight to see groups of rebels toting Soviet-made Kalashnikov rifles and laden with heavy cartridge belts trudging into the mountains, en route to battle. 人們經常可以看到,成群結隊的叛亂分子身扛蘇制卡那希尼可夫式步槍,肩挎裝得滿滿的子彈帶,步履艱難地走進山裡開赴前線。