Vojvodinan. 伏伊伏丁那(南斯拉夫自治省名)
Vojvodina 丁那;伏伊伏丁那;塞爾維亞;南斯拉夫;FK Vojvodina 禾獲甸拿;伏伊伏丁那足球俱樂部;
1.Guangdong side development has its specificity, it has maintained a close and Vojvodina are related. 廣東那邊發展有它的特殊性,它的起和伏保持一種密切的正相關關係。
2.With warrants, I had let my daughter secretly engaging Yijia, Vojvodina in my ears that his father, Grandpa Grandma do, I sternly You have to stare at her long! 見此狀,我女兒偷偷拽了拽我的衣角,伏在我的耳邊說,爸爸,爺爺奶奶不去,咱自己去吧!我狠狠瞪了她一眼。
3.At the same time, commercial housing so as endless complaints, disputes this Vojvodina either, the frequent outbreak of the conflict and even physically, and there are not many. 與此同時,像商品房這樣投訴層出不窮,糾紛此伏彼起,甚至肢體衝突頻頻爆發的買賣,也不多。