Study on Kalgan Mushroom Cultivated in Non-original Field Comparing with Common Cultivated Mashroom 褐口蘑異地栽培與雙孢菇栽培產量對比研究;cultivated cultured educated genteel high-browed highbred truebred well-bred 有教養的;cultivated cultured educated genteel high-browed highbred truebred well-bred 有教養的;cultivated cultured educated genteel high-browed highbred truebred well-bred 有教養的;cultivated cultured educated genteel high-browed highbred truebred well-bred 有教養的;
1.The pressure index of cultivated land is the ratio of per capita minimal area of cultivated land and per capita actual area of cultivated land. 耕地壓力指數是指最小人均耕地面積與實際人均耕地面積之比。
2.Through analysis of total area of cultivated lands, change in internal structure and regional difference, we discussed the driving mechanism of cultivated land change in the Tsinghai Lake region. 通過對青海湖地區耕地總面積、內部結構的變化過程和區域差異的分析,探討了耕地變化的驅動機制。
3.Methods: The seeds of 13 cultivated populations of diploid Isatis indigotica Fort. collected from the whole country were cultivated in Chong Ming Island, Shanghai. 方法:在全國各地採集菘藍13個二倍體栽培居群的種子,異地栽培於上海市崇明島同一塊試驗田。
4.A broad-spectrum, quick-acting, non-selective contact herbicide widely used to control weeds in cultivated and non-cultivated land. 百草枯是一種吡啶類廣譜速效非選擇性觸殺型除草劑,廣泛用於耕地和非耕地雜草防治。
5.11 species and hybrid species (three endemic) native, naturalized, or extensively cultivated in China, plus five hybrid species cultivated to a limited extent. 中國有原產的,引進的,或廣泛栽培的共11種或雜種(3特有種),以及在有限地區栽培5雜種。