coqn. (法)公雞
coq 雞(酉;cost of quality;經濟訂貨批量的計算;信道最佳化量化器;poids coq 最輕量級;coquina coq 貝殼灰巖;Edwin Coq 律師寇克;CoQ Adsorbe 釋義:吸附白喉-破傷風-百日咳菌苗[生物制劑;
1.Hostess's famous drop-dead-gorgeous Coq Au Vin, the best scene for me was of course the fire after cognac! 女主人的拿手好戲法國鄉村菜紅酒雞,最好看的時節在於澆上白蘭地之後點起的火焰!
2.Yesterday a person exactly corresponding with this description was followed, but he was lost sight of at the corner of the Rue de la Jussienne and the Rue Coq-Heron. 昨天跟蹤到一個人,他的外貌和以上所描過的完全相符,但那人到裘森尼街和高海隆路的拐角上便突然不見了。
3.Responsible for the team's working performances, such as, working efficiency improvements, on-time delievery both for ITO &OTR, COQ and engineering escaping defects, etc. 對所在團隊的工作業績負責,如:工作效率的改進、項目設計按時完成率、設計質量損失等。