DOJabbr. (美)司法部(Department of Justice);反不正當競爭部門(department of justice)
DOJ 司法部;Department of Justice;The Department of Justice;the Department of Justice;DOJ - 反不正當競爭部門;Mwngz gangj doj 你講土話;DOJ Department Of Justice 司法部;Su gja doj 我討厭;
1.A reluctant DOJ concluded that the only solution was a lawsuit. 一位不願透漏姓名的司法部官員總結說訴訟是解決問題的唯一途徑。
2.The DOJ agrees that I can make ADW bets with a California licensed bookie on races held here or in any of the 20 other states that have legalized ADW. 司法部同意,我可以作出adw投注與加州一間持牌賭博賽事在這裡舉行,或在任何的其他20個國家已合法化adw 。
3.As much as euro 1m could be withdrawn at a time to win contracts for Siemens's telecoms-equipment division, according to America's Department of Justice (DoJ). 據美國司法部披露,西門子電訊設備公司為取得合同簽訂一次就可以提款達1百萬歐元。