Dockside Farewell 海港離別;FAREWELL ANDROMEDA 告別ANDROMEDA;再會仙女座;Farewell Atlantis 再見亞特蘭蒂斯;再會亞特蘭蒂斯;2012世界末日;farewell banquet 告別宴會;adieux farewell 辭別;
1.Aethereally completely burdens of life is unthinkable, because that is the burden of having to bid farewell farewell real life. 完全沒有負擔的輕飄生活是不可想像的,因為告別負擔亦即離別真實的生活。
2."Farewell, then, farewell, you good, pretty little maiden, " said the swallow; and he flew out into the sunshine. 「那麼再會吧,再會吧,你這善良的、可愛的姑娘!」燕子說。於是他就向太陽飛去。
3.Not nostalgia, not sad, but would like to bid farewell to a period of time no longer belongs to them, bid farewell to the previous scene scene. 不是留戀,不是傷感,只是想告別一段不再屬於自己的時光,告別一幕一幕不堪回首的從前。
4.He bade farewell [welcome] to his friends. 他向朋友們告別[表示歡迎]。
5.Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu. 啊再見,綠袖,永別了。