





a. many


few[fju:]adj. 很少的;幾乎沒有的pron. 很少n. 很少數


few 很少的;少數的;善泳者用飄;Federally Employed Women;Few Showers 短暫陣雨;Vital few 重要的少數;關鍵少數;關鍵的少數;very few 極少數的;非常少;廖若晨星;廖廖無幾;CRITICAL FEW 關鍵少數;


1.Few of my friends were there. 我的朋友中幾乎沒有人在那裡。

2.These just a few questions I have. 這些只是我心中的一些疑問。

3.He visited what few friends he had. 他拜訪了他僅有的幾個朋友。


There aren't window seats left, but a few enter seats are open. - 那些靠窗的位子已沒有了,但裡面的位子還有。

They'll be at your door within a few minutes. - 他們會盡快送到你的門口。

Here are a few magazine articles complimenting our products. - 這是些稱讚我們產品的雜誌文章。

I'll need a few minutes to check over my notes again. - 我再需要幾分鐘來核對一下我的筆記。

We're going to go to lunch in a few minutes, honey. - 我們一下子就去吃中餐, 親愛的。

Now I want to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind. - 如果不介意的話,現在我想問你幾個問題。

I can only stay a few minutes. - 我只能停留幾分鐘。

But I'm sure he has a few bags with him on the train. - 不過我相信他在火車上還有幾件行李的。

My house is only a few miles from Spaceport. - 我的家離Spaceport只有幾哩路。

No. I sold the house and the furniture,put a few personal things in an old trunk, - 不。我把房子和家俱都賣了,剩下一些東西放進一個舊衣箱,

Oh, fine, fine. Be here a few minutes early. - 啊, 好, 好。請早幾分鐘到這。

Very few people last in this class for the full hour the very first time. - 很少人能夠第一次撐完一個小時的課。

OK. I'll be back in a few minutes. - 好,過幾分鐘我就回來。

I planned to take a few months off. - 我計劃休息幾個月。

It'll only take a few minutes. - 只要幾分鐘時間。

I'll be ready in a few minutes. - 再過幾分鐘就好了。

in the past few weeks. - 在最近幾個星期。

I said I'd give her an answer in a few days ... - 我說這幾天給她回答……

Just my friend Mike and a few kids from school. - 只有我的朋友Mike和學校裡的幾個夥伴。

I went to the supermarket to get a few things, - 我去一趟超級市場, 買了幾樣東西,

I want to take a few days off just for relaxation. - 我想請幾天假放鬆放鬆。

It will take a few years for the region to recover economically. - 這個地區的經濟恢復得花幾年的時間。

I love to get away and spend a few days with nature. - 我好想離開這裡到大自然裡呆幾天。

The rich few nations of this world take up the vast majority of the wealth and resources. - 少數幾個富裕的國家佔有了大多數的財富和資源。

There are a few openings in publishing for new graduates. - 出版業中幾乎沒有給新畢業生的空缺。

Just make the few changes I suggested and your letter will be perfect! - 只要改動我提到的個別地方,你的信就會很完美了。

She exchanged a few words with the foreigner. - 她和那個外國人交談了幾句。

Well, I almost had a heart attack a few moments ago. - 好啦,我幾乎要得心臟病了。

First, Mr. Stone Lee, our sales manager, will make a few remarks. - 首先,請我們銷售經理世通先生發表講話。

It's quite an intersive few days. - 那幾天可真緊張。

He sketched the situation in a few vivid words. - 他用幾句生動的話概況了形勢。

We'll have fine weather for the next few days? - 以後幾天天氣晴朗。

It's a few minutes after two. - 兩點過幾分。

They've been married for quite a few years. - 他們結婚好多年了。

I'm hoping to spend a few days in the mountains. - 我正在希望到在山上過一些天。

We have a few kitchen things and a dining room set. - 我們有一些廚房設備和有餐廳

By the way, before leaving this subject, I would like to add a few comments. - 在結束這個問題之前順便一提,我希望能再提出一些看法。

No. I went to California for a few weeks. - 沒有。我上加利福尼亞去了幾個星期。

I was wondering if you'd let me stay with you for a few days. - 不知道你能否讓我在你這裡住幾天。

It only takes a few minutes. - 只要幾分鐘而已。

With only a few facts, Holmes could hypothesize the explanation. - 僅憑少許的事實,福爾摩斯就能推理該事件了。

It'll take a few more weeks for the bone to mend. - 還需要花兩三周骨頭才能復原。

I ask him to wait a few minutes. - 我要求他等幾分鐘。

I told him to come in for a few minutes. - 我告訴他進來等幾分鐘。

I will be baptized in a few hours from now. - 我將在幾個小時後受洗。

I will be going home in a few monyhs from now. - 我將在幾個月後回家去。

I will be going to school in a few weeks from now. - 我將在幾個星期後上學去。

I will be seeing him in a few days from now. - 我將在幾天後見到他。

Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. - 書籍如朋友,應該少而精。

Books,like friends,should be few and well chosen. - 書籍如朋友,宜少宜精選。


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