neolithic age 新石票代;新石器時代;新石器時代(七千至四千年前);Selected Neolithic and Chalcolithic Settlements 新石器時代與紅銅時代的主要居住地——;Neolithic 新石器時代的;新石器時代;新石器;新石器時代 新石器時代的;Neolithic Period 新石器時代;neolithic culture 新石票代文化;新石器時代文化;新石器文化;
1.JADE ADZE Late Neolithic Era Dark green jade, the rectangle, one end bores a hole, the edge has used trail obviously. 青玉玉質,矩形,有沁色,一端穿孔,一端單面開刃,刃部有明顯使用痕跡。錛為古時木工工具中的一種,用於刨平木器表面。
2.Tea culture was inferentially traceable to Sichuan at the middle or late Neolithic Age. 茶文化是在我國新石器時代中期或晚期起源於巴蜀。
3.Many institutions, from neolithic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number. 從新石器時代的部落到羅馬軍團的步兵中隊,許多機構似乎都是遵循「鄧巴數字」構建起來的。
4.Chinese civilization originated in various city-states along the Yellow River valley in the Neolithic era. 中國文明在新石器時代的時代沿著黃河流域起源於各種城邦。
5.The peculiar pressure that it exerted on human beings between the Neolithic Age and the early twentieth century has disappeared and been replaced by something quite different. 人類在新石器時代到二十世紀初期之間受到的這種特殊壓力,現在已經消失,而由一種完全不同的東西所取代。