man-to-man one-one one-to-one 一對一的;CHIP Chip Hermeticity In Plastic 芯片全密封塑料包裝;chip distributor chip spreader 屑片撒布機;Application of hard cutting materials for machining by chip removal--Designation of the main groups of chip removal and groups of application 切削加工用硬切削材料的用途 切屑形式大組和用途小組的分類代號;chip microprocessor single chip microprocessor 單片微處理器;
1.clear out chip and cooling design, the chip immediate into chip conveyer, you are no need for clear out chip. 獨特排屑冷卻過濾設計,切屑直接進入排屑車,免除清掃切屑之勞。
2.The restriction relation of chip and its barrier (work-pie ce and cutting tool) surfaces in the course of chip-forming, together with its influence on chip-forming and chip-breaking, is re sear… 上述研究成果是研究切屑形成與折斷過程的有效途徑,為進行刀片槽型優選及設計以及切屑折斷預報系統的研製奠定理論基礎。
3.I hear a song sparrow singing from the bushes on the shore —— olit, olit, olit —— chip, chip, chip, che char —— che wiss, wiss, wiss. 我聽到一隻籬雀在岸上灌木林中唱著,——歐利,歐利,歐利,——吉潑,吉潑,吉潑,詫,卻爾,——詫,維斯,維斯,維斯。
4.This article respectively reviewed the technologies and principles of gene chip and expression profile chip, and the application of gene chip in the cancer genomics. 扼要介紹基因芯片、表達譜芯片技術和原理,以及基因芯片技術在腫瘤基因組學中的應用。
5.Effects of geometrical parameters of chip-breaker on the carbide cutter in chip-breaking process are expounded, and the chip-breaking mechanism is a na lyzed. 闡述了硬質合金刀具斷屑槽幾何參數在斷屑過程中的作用,分析了斷屑機理,介紹了切屑形態、斷屑槽結構和斷屑機理研究的發展現狀與趨勢。