





n. ab ,abdominal muscle


abdominal[æb'dɔminəl]adj. [解]腹部的;[動]有腹鰭的


abdominal 腹部的;腹部前屈機;腹部訓練器;腹屈機;abdominal boards 仰臥起坐板;abdominal belt 腹帶;腹帶,腹部引力帶;abdominal reflex 腹壁反射;腹反射;abdominal wall 腹壁;


1.For promoting the role of abdominal metabolism. 有促進腹部新陳代謝的作用。

2.Symptoms: If ingested, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. 症狀:如果嚥下細菌,它能導致嘔吐、腹瀉、腹痛。

3.Infection with Salmonella bacteria, which grow in animal and human feces causes fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. 感染了在動物和人體內成長的沙門氏菌會造成發燒、痢疾(腹痛)和痙攣。


abdominal distension - 中滿

abdominal pain due to injury - 傷損腹痛

keep the abdominal muscle relaxed - 使腹部肌肉放鬆

congenital abdominal muscle absence syndrome; prune崑-belly syndrome - 先天性腹肌缺損綜合征

abdominal ovariectomy; laparoovariectomy - 剖腹卵巢切除術

abdominal salpingectomy; gastrosalpingotomy; laparosalpingectomy - 剖腹卵管切開術

abdominal hysterectomy - 剖腹子宮截除術

abdominal myomectomy; celiomyomectomy; laparomyomectomy - 剖腹肌瘤切除術

abdomen spatula; abdominal spatula; intestinal spatula - 壓腸板

primary abdominal pregnancy - 原發性腹腔妊娠

abdominal pain with cold limbs - 厥疝

double ended abdominal retractor - 雙頭腹壁牽開器

double ended abdominal retractor - 雙端腹部牽開器

four maneuvers in abdominal palpation - 四步手法

abdominal version; external version - 外倒轉術

many-tailed abdominal bandage - 多頭腹帶

massive abdominal wall defect - 大塊腹壁缺損

infant abdominal retractor - 嬰兒腹牽開器

abdominal pain due to cold - 寒冷腹痛

abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold; abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil - 寒積腹痛

diffuse abdominal wall resistance - 瀰漫性腹壁緊張

acute lower abdominal pain - 急性下腹痛

acute abdominal pain colic intestinal colic; acute abdominalgia - 急性腹痛

infantile convulsion with abdominal pain - 驚風腹痛

lower abdominal pain radiating to testes - 控睪

abdominal colic - 攪腸痧

abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi - 氣滯腹痛

lower abdominal pain elated to qi; lower abdominal pain related to qi - 氣疝

abdominal mass due to stagnation of qi; qi mass - 氣積

abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi - 氣結腹痛

shallow pattern abdominal retractor - 淺式腹部牽開器

deep pattern abdominal wall retractor - 深式腹部牽開器

deep abdominal retractor - 深腹部牽開器

abdominal pain due to damp-heat pathogen - 濕熱腹痛

infantile malnutrition with abdominal distension - 疳腫脹

abdominal mass which subsides spontaneously - 瘕積

abdominal mass; abdominalmass; accumulation - 積聚

purple abdominal striae - 紫色腹紋症

abdominal amniocentesis - 經腹壁羊膜穿刺術

abdominal total hysterectomy - 經腹子宮次全切除術

abdominal excision of tubal fimbria - 經腹直肌切口

abdominal nephrotomy - 經腹腎切開術

total abdominal hysterectomy - 經腹部子宮全切除術

secondary abdominal pregnancy - 繼發性腹腔妊娠

abdominal pain - 肚子痛

a morbid state with difficult urination; abdominal fullness; dyspnea - 腸痺

acute abdominal pain colic intestinal colic - 腸絞痛

generalized edema with abdominal distention; swelling; tumefaction; tumour; turgescence - 腫脹

abdominal distension - 脹病

abdominal gestation - 脹腔妊娠


n.腹壁肌層闕如 - absence of muscular layer of abdominal wall

n.腸絞痛,急性腹痛 - acute abdominal pain colic intestinal colic

n.急性下腹痛 - acute lower abdominal pain

腹部大動脈 - aneurysm of abdominal aorta

n.腹皮癰 - carbuncle on the abdominal wall

n.先天性腹肌缺損綜合征 - congenital abdominal muscle absence syndrome

n.腹肌收縮 - contraction of abdominal muscle

n.腹壁擴創術 - debridement of abdominal wall

n.深腹部牽開器 - deep abdominal retractor

n.深式腹部牽開器 - deep pattern abdominal wall retractor

n.腹壁延期縫術 - delayed suture of abdominal wall

n.腹壁韌帶狀瘤 - desmoid tumor of abdominal wall

n.瀰漫性腹壁緊張 - diffuse abdominal wall resistance

n.雙端腹部牽開器,雙頭腹壁牽開器 - double ended abdominal retractor

n.轉胞 - dysuria with lower abdominal colic

n.腹壁子宮內膜異位症 - endometriosis of abdominal wall

n.腹內環顯露 - exposure of internal abdominal ring

n.腹壁瘺 - fistula of abdominal wall

n.腹壁固定術 - fixation of abdominal wall

n.腹腔異物 - foreign body in abdominal cavity

n.四步手法 - four maneuvers in abdominal palpation

n.腫脹 - generalized edema with abdominal distention

n.腹壁血腫 - hematoma of abdominal wall

n.腹壁膿腫切開引流術 - incision and drainage of abdominal wall abscess

n.腹壁切開,腹壁切口 - incision of abdominal wall

n.腹壁感染 - infection of abdominal wall

n.嬰兒腹牽開器 - infant abdominal retractor

n.驚風腹痛 - infantile convulsion with abdominal pain

n.疳腫脹 - infantile malnutrition with abdominal distension

n.腹壁損傷 - injury of abdominal wall

n.腹腔內大血管傷 - injury of great vessel of abdominal cavity

n.腹內的 - intra abdominal

n.腹腔沖洗術 - irrigation of abdominal cavity

n.使腹部肌肉放鬆 - keep the abdominal muscle relaxed

n.輕型腹部牽開器 - light pattern abdominal retractor

n.腹壁病損局部切除術 - local excision of abdominal wall lesion

下腹痛 - lower abdominal pain

n.氣疝 - lower abdominal pain elated to qi

n.控睪 - lower abdominal pain radiating to testes

n.氣疝 - lower abdominal pain related to qi

n.腰腹的 - lumbo abdominal

n.多頭腹帶 - many-tailed abdominal bandage

n.大塊腹壁缺損 - massive abdominal wall defect

n.血崩腹痛 - metrorrhagia with abdominal pain

n.腹肌 - muscul abdominal

n.腹傷腸出 - open abdominal injury with prolapsed intestine

n.腹肌癱瘓 - paralysis of abdominal muclse

n.蟲痛 - parasitogenic abdominal pain

n.腹痛時作時止,陣發性腹痛 - paroxysmal abdominal pain

n.腹壁靜脈炎 - phlebitis of abdominal wall

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